Clarissa – 5* Dark/ Purple - May 2020 HOTM (Hero of the Month)

Due to my itchy fingers… I had a go with Valhalla summon and got Clarissa as bonus draw… so stoked. For now I have a few purples to work on - Alfrike (almost max), C.Domitia and Clarissa and I have 18 tabards!

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A worse gravemaker is still a gravemaker, and even then she is a defensive variant of gravemaker. you’re forgetting that she gives +30% special def for all dark. And because she is very fast, she can reapply that buff easily and make dark heroes on the wings incredibly difficult to take down. It also boils down to roster. I have two Clarissas and no gravemakers, it’s still something for me to look forward for maxing


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ZyzzyxRoad, yes, got enough for Clarissa and Telluria and just did Ursena. Need 3 more telescopes for Vela though. Nothing is ever perfect.

finally got her…wallet is hurting…and another quintus! :rofl:

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170+ pulls and no Clarissa. In fact, only 2 5s in all of that, both from AR, Ariel and Atomos.

So, done chasing heroes for a very long time now.

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Jeez thats some tough luck. I pulled this month around 80 and got 2 Clarissas (on my last 2 x10s), a dupe Kadilen and a dupe Misandra, not the best luck either but i see it could be way worse than that, i feel sorry for you. Ariel is the best healer in the game IMO so its really good you got her if you didnt have her already.

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I didn’t get her , bye to her , in my play time I got 5 HOTM ( kunchen, margaret , vela , telluria and JF ) I started to play when Zim as in HOTM, I felt 3 times for missing HOTM => shesat , Kingston and Clarissa .

I’ve emblemed my Clarissa till node 6 along attack… then I started reconsidering my decision.
Should I emblem her along defense-hp route from this point onwards? Or does it make sense to use a Reset Token and emblem along def-hp right from the start?

What do you guys think?

Here’s the current talent path.

I would only emblem her on the def/hp route if i planned on using her on my def team which i dont because i have Telluria emblemed


I’m trying to get mine to 800+ for both defense and attack.

I went one node shield instead of sword, regretted it, all sword is an extra 15 points attack at the end I think. But I didn’t reset, now no regrets.

I’m now on the path of the sword. I figure if she gets hit, she gets hit, she’s a super fast light weight anyway and may as well do as much damage as she can while she’s alive.

I use her in attack all the time, she’ll be my defense wing in the future. My Clarissa is sitting today at +13.


400 coins for Valhalla summons… this games RNG is crazy :grinning:


You were very lucky.

I got 0 Clarissa this month :frowning:

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My Clarissa and I went defence/hp

And paired with this lady magic happens, love this duo


I pulled Clarissa on the 1st day of the month and the last day of the month :thinking:

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I have enough gems for a few more pulls and all Valhalla 5* seem not to like me I don’t have one should I try for one or be satisfied with my two Clarissa’s?

Valhalla was over several hours before you asked this.

Lol. Depends what level she is. Tibs with costume or not is remarkabley average and proteus dies so quick.
Both of these are 3rd team at best


Oh Clarissa, how I love thee!

Part of the purple team, standard raid attack ,emblems now at 18…

She’s hot, people!


What are her stats on 18? Problem is that I have telly also
Other problem is that i use Proteus a lot in raiding and the poison damage overwrites the one from Proteus, which is a pitty.
I Should try her more often but she only plays against yellow tanks.

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