Christmas is coming

Holidays are coming soon enough; wouldn’t it be great if you could gift some of the lower level folks in your alliance something (someONE?) you have a surplus of? Or, gift yourself a little something #TreatYoSelf. I’d buy a round of beer on a night out with co-workers. It might be nice to buy a round of gems for everyone in my alliance… I just do work with coworkers. I kill monsters and titans with my alliance… you know that is sound logic.

As a one time only event this would be great :smiley:

I like it, but I’m out of votes :zipper_mouth_face:

How about an addition - you can buy a gift with gems. And on that day all profits go to Charity. Then it spreads the love far and wide.


And how about all these rare quests happening in December again this year? :smiley: