Christmas free gift

If this game were Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, and we players were Bob Cratchit, and SG were Ebenezer Scrooge, this would probably happen:

Having read all about the exploits and complaints of the poor players on the forum, Scrooge takes pity and goes out and buys the biggest Christmas bird he can! Then takes it back home and eats it all by himself. Then he goes round to the Cratchit household and takes all their money. The end.

Would love to be proven wrong…


Looks like you haven’t read whole book.

So to kick this off I am not in favor of trading. I think it would change up the dynamics of the game too much. But there are times when it would be nice to make a trade of dupes with my wife who also plays. So that line of thinking is what began this thought process…

My idea is that once a year on Christmas (or maybe on the anniversary of E&P) people would be allowed to gift a hero to someone else. This could be limited to a single account trade (for people to share with an alt account or with a spouse or friend who also plays) or could possibly be limited to only those within your alliance. Could be a one time gift to someone or maybe each account could gift to 2-5 other accounts within predetermined limits.

The idea of gifting would be that there is no guarantee of a trade which could eliminate some of the problems there (though obviously two people who knew each other could coordinate to effectively trade). Doing it on one day only and only with a limited number of accounts would also prevent it from being an ongoing issue to be taken advantage of.

I like the idea of it being with Christmas and being a gift cause it would help foster some goodwill and encouragement in a time when many are struggling.

As an Alliance leader, I would love to gift heroes to fellow members…especially since level 10 of hero academy is sooooooo slow and not producing heroes that I need.

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And that there is why they’ll (most likely) never implement this idea…a player gifting a hero to his/her own alt.