China Avengers & Elite

We are fun and teaching alliances that can manage to speak many languages, mandarin and cantonese, we are also welcoming English speakers. We are growing alliances called ““China Avengers””, and now we have 3 alliances, that’s about 60-70 people.

China Avengers 1
We currently dealing with 9-10 stars titan and with your help we can slay an 11stars. This is our strongest alliance, so we need an active people with some solild hero benches and have an ambitious mind who not only enjoys the game but chasing the top alliances.

China Avengers 2
Currently dealing with 9-10 star titan also, it is to be set as a more mellow and layback crew. Goal will not chasing the top but everyone to hit titan and 100% participation on war.

China Avengers 3
Is for recruiting new blood, and we source each one and asks his goal is on playing this game so we will send each friends to its most comfortable zone.

Join Us
WeChat ID : Dejavu318

第一公会, 泰坦9-10星 需求:完成泰坦与团战,积极与高战力,以进百强公会为目标。
第二公会,泰坦9-10星 需求 : 完成泰坦与团战。
第三公会 :泰坦4-5星 需求:不限水平,主要栽培新兵


Fastest growing alliances.





我是一个非常活跃的玩家。目前36级,最强战队的team power是3456:
Boldtust, Melendor, Vivica, Grimm & Proteus






Need more people for all three alliances.

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We are fun and teaching alliances that can manage to speak many languages, mandarin and cantonese, we are also welcoming English speakers. We are growing alliances called ““ China Avengers ””, and now we have 3 alliances, that’s about 60-70 people.

China Avengers 1
We currently dealing with 9-10 stars titan and with your help we can slay an 11stars. This is our strongest alliance, so we need an active people with some solild hero benches and have an ambitious mind who not only enjoys the game but chasing the top alliances.

China Avengers 2
Currently dealing with 9-10 star titan also, it is to be set as a more mellow and layback crew. Goal will not chasing the top but everyone to hit titan and 100% participation on war.

China Avengers 3
Is for recruiting new blood, and we source each one and asks his goal is on playing this game so we will send each friends to its most comfortable zone.

Join Us
WeChat ID : Dejavu318