Chill Team / Committed Group /No Drama, looking for more

•LEGENDS• is looking for 2-4 more members. We are a chill yet committed group. All levels beginner to advanced welcome. We share tips and tricks and answer questions. We take down 6* Titans and are active everyday. It’s your turn to become… a Legend!!

Just search for " •LEGENDS• " with the two dots :stuck_out_tongue:!

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We have spots open for now! Want to re-emphasize “chill” as in we are active, but make time for IRL things. We are about growth and participating as much as we possibly can. Both high powered players and newer players working together!

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There are still some spots open. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! :sunny:

We’ve had a good response and filled some spots. Still 2 open vacancies. We are really happy with our group, everyone participating but no pressure when IRL happens. We’re enjoying this game Small Giant makes :smile: