Chatroom rules need changing

Since it appears chatroom misconduct is moderated by bots, I will be flagging everyone who “spams” (asks for titan help) or uses **** to describe something. This behavior is very inappropriate.

Because of those who have no sense of humor and find joy in flagging ones “comments” because they feel powerful, I feel it is my duty to do the same to everyone.

Unless you are you actually not an assclown ( small giant doesn’t mind this word). May your chatroom experience be on hold.

I am not sorry you do not like the word “Buubs” or that my titan “puts out loot” if you kill it. My titan may even offer a ****** from time to time.

I am sorry your titan is lame and you your sense of humor is too.

One should be able to respond before being banned from a chat.

If you agree comment below