Charmione - 5* Fire / Red - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

I think it was Rosalind. I didn’t know the mega minion cleansed. Thanks.


Elemental summons didn’t like me, but thanks to covenant, life is full of second chances.


I pulled two of her today, both on single pulls. Not really excited, her card is easily cleanseable. She “needs” something more to make her stand out.


There is one more issue with her special skill, especially the wording… It says she gives status ailment to three devouring goo, that does the following, disoels all dispellable buff and growth effect etc… but that is the issue, since it is a status ailment that causes the dispelling of the buffs, she can’t do anything to Hathor, Thalasa and other anti dispell skill heroes… Also, If I do manage to hit Hathor before she fires, she usually fires just after my hit and blocks the paralize effect which happens after one turn, not immediatelly. That is the whole issue making her completely broken in use against many heroes in the game… I’ve been testing Her since I hit Her from elemental portal and she rarely does anything useful at all… at slow speed nonetheless… But she has so much potential…

If you just change the wording that she first dispells buffs and growth effects etc. and do the paralize effect immediatelly, she would be similar to Bernadette in use, albeit not very slow, but only hit three, which is reasonable for slow instead of very slow speed. She could still be dispelled by remaining unparalized heroes, so she would not be OP, just strong slow great hero, against you have your chances… Fergus would still be miles ahead of her, even if she receives aforementioned proposed special skill balance… But she would be strong and useful hero, not completely broken like she is right now.


Agreed. She has a lot of potential and considering she’s a premium hero, I’d expect she’d do SOMETHING premium. That doesn’t mean she needs to do everything at once, just allow her do something that’ll make her stand out. She’s pretty much a 3-70 hero like this.

I compared her to Dularfur (or whatever the name of that hero). Dularfur was incomplete in her previous state and became a premium hero only after the buff. Charmione is the same, incomplete like this.


I think she is good with

  1. Removes all dispellable buffs and Growth effects,
  2. deals 200 to 700 for 4 turns, total 800 to 2800 per target,
  3. Paralyze enemies for 4 turns,
  4. enemies receive +50% increased damage.

Unfortunately she useless to bosses and titan, she can’t be very great.

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Let’s summarize.
She can’t be used versus:
-Toon and glass costumes
-Dance heroes
-Status aliments block hereoes
-Garizon Heroes with cleanse Minions (Rosalind, Koyla, Fergus)
-Status aliments reflect Heroes
I probably stop her at 3/70. Everything counter her so hard.


Wow, that is unfortunate. I guess she will sit at 1/1 until she gets some buff or special change.

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And another new hero that never will be levelled, great look awful special, at least her special must be to all or undispellebel.

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Congrats anyway. Many heroes also provide ailment immunity or song is playing and in such cases, she does literally nothing at slow speed. Also cleanser.

She needs some retooling and a buff.

Give her a charming slime mega minion on special cast!
Each time this mega minion attacks, he reapplies her special ability to one enemy :slight_smile:


I like it!

@Petri theres an idea


Of course I get this hero with the 3 summons included in the path from the Elemental Portal and another one with the tokens included in the path from the Covenant portal… :clown_face: faced her already in 2 raids and she was absolutely rubbish and her special had no effect on the outcome of the battle.

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:joy: you got your wish of rainbow slime


Everyone, I opened a balance topic. Go and vote here:

You can drop your suggestions how to make this hero more balanced.


I feel the need to wash my hands just after looking at that beautiful slimy :rainbow: :rofl:

Not sure why this hasn’t been mentioned but the term “devouring goo” is pretty shocking.


I wish i could fight her again because the actual paraylze effect is uncleansable. So if you dont cleanse before the paralysis kicks in you can be royally screwed.

Maybe im missing something but i think she can be really good.


Yea, paralysis itself is uncleansable, but as others stated she is slow and there are fast ailment protectors like hathor that totally nullifies her. I am going to level her anyways just because of stats and passives.

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Please checkout if her Paralyze can ignore ailments immune and reflect.

Not on the paper, i prefer to know from the raid.