Chaos Brigade is recruiting

Hi everyone this new/ not so new alliance is looking for some Titan attacking members to join our alliance! We were in a good alliance but our leader went MIA FOR OVER 2 months. We could not get anywhere so we decided to start a new alliance! 12 members followed us to the new alliance and now we are looking for more members! Our alliance is 2500+. Before we started the new alliance we were hitting 6 stars. We are a friendly group! If you feel you could fit In with please come check us out! We would love to have you!

Hey andreamarie !.. I saw the post of Daniel on other thread … we seems to be in the same position … and I have a proposal for you that can benefit all of us … you are 11 we are 19 … a merge can be beneficial for all of us … and will fill us up in one strike w/o have to go for the pain of look for high level payers one by one … our alliance in “misfit valhalla” check us out … and you can look for my on the app “line” or send someone that already have it . My ID over there is raduk_o . looking forward to hear from you .


Thank you for the offer but we will have to decline at this time.

We want to build our clan not join another.

Thank you again for your kind offer.

well , the best of luck to you and your crew … our paths may cross in the future !..
good hunt!

I see your new recruiting post, so I’ll close this one. Best of luck recruiting! :wink: