🦉 Cennius – 5* Dark / Purple from Owl Tower

Average damage max 1000 thats unfair

Base damage against fully ascended w/ 5 star troops

Damage with growth and hammerclang debuff

I agree +30% damage 600 and dont have a secondry effects 1000 damage thats unfair

maxed no emblems still 3 80

master emblems last stage

Unfortunately I have to agree, I was initially pleased with obtaining him but now after levelling him up ready to LB … I’m now not going to.
I will keep him at 4:80/20 blems and LB Carta instead.
Very disappointing :disappointed:

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This was at Untold Tales Chapter 6 stage 27 Normal, just as a reference for you. It hit 3 times.


For Owls it is “up to”. The damage is based on a calculation so if you’re hitting heroes that aren’t as strong, he will not do as much damage.

Yes it will always hit 2 times because the procent Starts at 100% so it will always hit 2 times never 1 time only! But then the 100% gets reduced with 35% so the chance he hits a third time its 65% a d then for the next the chance to hit for the 4de time gets eagain reduced with 35% so at 30% so he always will hit double but never will hit 5 times and only will having chance on 3 or 4times.

Unfortunately though, he usually hits the dead hero multiple times, therefore wasting his multiple hits. This also makes him a weak hero.
His dynamic needs to be changed.



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This issue needs to be addressed on all cards that hits on buff. Like dark or ginger. I have had so many fights where the buff damage keeps hitting dead targets.

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Your ginger does it too? Because mine doesn’t

Interesting find, only his first hit is effected by insanity. All subsequent hits attack the enemy like they are supposed to


So … what do people think of Cennius’s Buff???

It is always nice to get a buff when you have a hero, but Cennius as well as the other buffed event heroes really did not need it. I am just waiting for the balance in a few months saying he is too powerful. Here’s your nerf with no courtsey. But het we just released another owl twice as powerful that is perfectly balanced lol.

Have you got any videos on this? I’ve never seen Ginger or Darkfeather hit dead enemies again once they disappear from the battle (only if a hero revives from say a fighter talent skill then it hits that invincible target again). But the way Cennius hits completely dead enemies and thus a blank space definitely seems like a bug :thinking:

It is hard to create the scenario. But i can try. I rarely use dark or ginger these days. So cant find any recent videos. But it happens all the time when farming.

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Buff??? It was so small I blinked and missed it. Compared to the other buffs, it was pretty dismal.

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The buff was indeed not great but hey! Better that than nothing. Wish they also used this update to fix the wing-flapping on dead enemies in the meantime, and I also noticed the below today:

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Yeah I tried to replicate while farming with Darkfeather but it always hits a new enemy until they are all dead and then moves onto the next stage. Couldn’t see it hitting a dead enemy :sweat_smile: But thanks for calling it out in case I missed something!