Celidana or Morax?

I’m wondering which hotm you’d pick if you were in my situation, because I’m on the fence on when to use my EHTs.

Here are the links to both heroes:

Basically, I believe Morax is better, but I have an overabundance of purple heroes waiting in line and I don’t know when I’d be able to get to him.

The same can be said about yellow heroes (hi @Chenowyn :wave: :joy:), but I have way more darts than tabards, so it’s less of an issue.

Purple heroes

Maxed: c Killhare, Panther, Seshat, Malicna

In the queue: Agrafena x 2, c Killhare x 2, Karnov, Arfanias, c Domitia, Chakkosrot

Yellow heroes

Maxed: Faline, c Leonidas, c Vivica, Kara

In the queue: Rhys x 2, Matilda, Faline, Sir Roostley, c Joon

What would you guys do if you were me?

P.s. Yes, I already have Matilda. I accidentally summoned 4 heroes, and there she was. Feel free to hate me for how ridiculously lucky that is. :joy:

Edit: I also have dupes of S1 costumed heroes. I’m considering leveling up a dupe c Leo and maybe a dupe c Vivica.


If you pull regularly enough (and it seems you do), you will probably get better heroes soon and until then I think you still have better heroes to max than both Celidana and Morax :slight_smile:

Agrafena, C Domitia, Arfanias, Rhys, Matilda, Sir Roostley, C Joon are heroes I would max before them.

So the answer is: it does not really matter. Most probably you will never max any of the two.


Are you referring to this? :joy:


Thanks! But actually, I don’t really summon a lot. It’s a mix of extreme luck and compulsive hoarding. :joy: I went all in during CF2 and it paid off in a major way.

I used the remnants of when I wasn’t F2P yet, but now I am and I won’t be able to replenish my gems/coins/tokens stock. I can’t even change my mind, since I’m Belgian and in-app purchases have been disabled here, so what you see is pretty much what you’ll get until the end of time.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Yes, yes I am. I haven’t been here since forever, but I remember this, and every time I pulled a yellow hero I was like “Oh ffs, that’s the Chenowyn curse right there, I need to quit talking to her.” :joy:


I see :slight_smile: You can still hoard everything for a few more months since the unmaxed heroes you have are anyway more worthy of ascension than both Morax and Celidana. And considering the pace they introduce more and stronger heroes, the ones you will pull in a few months will probably be much better :wink:

These two do not seem to bring a clear added value to your roster.


Totally agree, but the ones I really want are obviously the Halloween heroes (mostly Alucard, Alucard, Alucard, but tbh, also Alucard :joy:). I’m just trying to figure out which hotm sucks the least basically, bc chances are I’ll get it.


Celidana is a good hero for rush then. But I think they will introduce some new shiny and OP heroes for Christmas as well and you might regret using all your tokens for Alucard :wink:


:thinking: Good point. I’ll need to think about this. Thanks for your input!

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Green IS catching up (Kai isn’t on hero plan yet), but the biggest win is not one but TWO red heroes recently joined my ranks. Sehkmet is next to be leveled and I’m pretty stoked.
I haven’t been visiting the forum lamely either. Plot twist, maybe YOU were MY curse :scream::wink:


How was I your curse? :sob: You did get those 2 red heroes. The way I see it, I’m your lucky charm. :relieved:

It’s still pretty sad tho. :joy: Mine is eerily similar, but worse. I got Tahir too and he’s my best red hero by a mile. At least your other reds are pretty good.


20 characters ……

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My other reds for the longest time were Noor, Tahir and Zagrog, and BK who I got through SE and then PULLED a dupe that same week :unamused: talk about wasted SE. Luckily I did pull costume Heimdall now so not choosing Mother North back then stings less.

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:no_mouth: So even when you pull a good hero there’s some red cursy stuff going on?

I guess it’s not that bad bc c Black Knight is a good dupe to have? :grimacing: Bit of a reach maybe?

Then again, my best reds are still Zagrog and Tahir. I use Wilbur and Falcon more often than them ffs. :joy: So yeah, it could be worse, not by much, but it could. It can always be worse. :sob:

It was today’s Positive Jam Ⓒ, brought to you by Nico.

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I am in exactly the same spot as you are. I am c2p and haven’t used an eht since last December so I’m looking at up to 115 tokens to use at the Halloween portal. I’ve never pulled from this portal before (3.5 years) and I think all of them would be useful to me. So the question is - which hotm because I’ve always in the past scheduled my pulls around desirable hotms and have been really fortunate to get some excellent ones.

So for me, I’ve decided on Morax for the following reasons:

  • I have quite a few 5* healers already. They are almost all clerics. I am hoping that Prof. Lindenbrock will make it to the next Fated Summon and finally be my 5* overhealer. I am willing to wait (until Feb I think) for that possible opportunity
  • When I did the yellow elemental quest I found my problem had nothing to do with having enough yellow healers and everything to do with not having enough strong yellow hitters. So I’ve decided to make sure I have darts for a yellow that deals real damage that might come my way. Is this your problem too?
  • I have a lot more purple 5* than yellow, but almost no purple 4* heroes. Even if I don’t do fourth stripe on Morax, he will be useful as a low level purple for entry tower levels.
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Almost same here. I only did about 10 pulls total from this portal, including the 4 accidental pulls mentioned above. I have Jack, c Frank and Matilda, so almost any event 5* would be new and useful. I also schedule my pulls around good hotms, but the issue is that purple and yellow are my best colors by far and that Morlovia just happens to be when the hotms are of those colors and not particularly attractive - even though I think they’re a bit underrated.

Not really. I do have plenty of yellow healers too, but damage isn’t a major issue. The combo Mist+c Leo+ Faline is pretty lethal, and if I really need a sniper I have c Joon waiting. I cleared the later stages with a weird Wukong (I’m probably the only one who still uses him :joy:)+Gullinbursti+Mist+c Leo+Faline team and it worked reasonably well.

I found that overheal was the key and that I had the damage part covered. I’m stacked overheal wise too, with Gullinbursti and 2 Rhys, but I get the sense that it’ll become more and more important, given how insanely hard new PvE enemies hit (I’m even struggling to complete S5 hard mode stages at this point), and that’s where I see Celidana’s massive +800 hp value.

In purple, I have a similar setup with Panther+Arges+c Killhare, so I have enough damage there as well. And if I need more damage dealers, wouldn’t it be better to level up a 2nd Killhare than Morax? Or Arfanias/c Domitia if I need a bigger, more focused hit? I guess it comes down to how useful you think max health reduction is. I personally have no clue, none of my heroes does it, so any advice is welcomed.

And I don’t care much about towers. I just go as far as I can without burning expensive items. With my current schedule, I’ll probably stop after completing normal or not play them at all.

So there you go, you have the full picture. My instincts say Morax, but the current state of my roster, the evolution of the PvE, and the fact that tabards are as rare as diamonds to me are giving Celidana some appeal.

You make a great point about their class though. Too many cleric healers, and I’m short on cleric emblems, while I have a ton of sorcerer ones.

To recap, our situations are indeed extemely similar, but there are some key differences. Knowing them, would you still go with Morax if you were in my shoes?

I think your observation that you are fine with healers incl. overhealers and what you need is a good sniper just says that Celidana is going nowhere in your roster.

As far as Morax, he’s a maybe and a maybe is likely to be a better choice than a no. You’ve waited until the 31st to make a decision which says to me that you are having a hard time figuring out how Celidana would fit in. As far as the usefulness of Morax’s health reduction, @Old_Cynic has a very nice blog write-up on it and he finds (spoiler alert) that it is pretty useful, but reading the entire blog post yourself would be a good idea. But overall, I’m finding Morax to be the more appealing choice for myself.


I had saved costume keys and EHTs until today, November 1st, with the intent on using them until I might get Morax.

Got Morax on the 7th key pull (no useful costumes).

Now I still have 7 key pulls left and 27 EHTs

Do I wait till December and Christmas?
I have not used any EHT in the Halloween portal so far.

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Congrats on getting Morax! Your patience paid off :slight_smile:

Well, there’s a good chance new Christmas heroes will be introduced… though the Halloween heroes are generally good too. Not sure who you have from these seasons already :slight_smile:

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December HOTM looks a bit meh … so I think I’ll use a few EHT now for a chance at Alucard, M&M, Matilda or Francine’s costume. And Goopy of course :grinning:

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