Celidana losing defense buff when boosted

Has anyone else notices that sometimes Celidana will have boosted health but her defense buff will disappear anyway?

I had this happen the other day and contacted support in game. They are clueless. They claimed it was visible in the game logs and was to do the defenders Natalia using DOT. Makes utterly no sense. Instead here is what I observe:

Celidana has a passive ability to boost her health prior to firing the special. It’s a small sliver of health and it won’t trigger the defense buff and other skills of her special. So if that happens, and and then subsequently you fire her special skill and boost helath by 800, when the health drops by 800, even though it’s still boosted, she will lose the defense buff.

The only other explanation is that the game is “playing ahead” to the defenders next move, and seeing that DOT will bring health down below max, and preemtively removing the buff, eventhough the health bar still shows boosted health AND the player hasn’t finished their turn yet (which is why it makes no sense - turn based games aren’t supposed to work that way).

Support seems to be clueless. I have definitely seen this happen more than once, but it’s hard to duplicate since the passive mana boosting doesn’t always happen and on top of that, many raids end before I get to fire her special since she is slow mana speed.

Still, it would be good if this issue was being looked into.

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Correct, the passive itself should not trigger this defense buff as that is part of her special skill.
If you fire her special skill after her passive is boosted her health, then she should give this defense buff.

Which heroes were at the opponent’s side ?
There are some heroes which can remove undispellable buffs (Eg: Lepiota, Guardian Chameleon), and these heroes can remove Celidana’s defense buffs too.

Also if some enemy gives you uncleansable defense down ailments, that it can overwrite Celdana’s defense buff too.

Maybe if you have some screenshot what you can attach about the problem, then it would be helpful.


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