We are looking for some active Canadian players (Not mandatory) We are a laid back group but dedicated to advancing. We do require you to participate in wars. We expect co-operation and that you read the alliance chat.
2200+ Cups
All flags used
lv 35+
Just a great place to learn and grow your teams.
27 / 30 members atm.
at 11* titans now
We also consider Horghall to be a deity that demands tribute and offerings.
Glory to Horghall
I am already in an alliance but they don’t use all of their flags and they’re letting titans go. I’m about ready to leave for an alliance that is fun and where everyone pitches in
Make that 1600/1700 (made some changes, I did hit 1800 briefly today). Yeah I went to the alliance and there was a button to view, none to request to join…