Can You Migrate a Whole Alliance? The Migration Toolkit

Hello constant readers and followers of the Guardians group !

It’s been a while since I posted an update on our progress, and a lot has happened in the last 6 months- so its about time I gave you an update …

We were deeply saddened at the beginning of the year when the illustrious @JonahTheBard chose to quit all social media including E&P. But that part of our story has a happy ending, our prodigal son has now returned :slight_smile: (He actually snuck in the back door when no-one was looking …)

We also lost the glorious @therocketcat - she has been headhunted to the big leagues, but went with our love and best wishes (and the kitty door is still open for whenever she realises the grass isn’t greener !)

We have some new friends though - a new kitten to play with @Kitten , the fabulous @FabulaSumus and the ridiculous @Kayo have all joined us at Guardians Reborn in recent weeks.

Guardians Reborn is now in the top 500 alliances, and topped out at 313 at one point last week.
Many of our members are regular top 100, a few top 10. And our very own @Kikyo hit global #1 just a few days ago !!
We have come a long way from when we were wondering how long it would take to get back to 6* titans when we migrated. We’ve now faced a 12* (And were supremely spanked!)

On the alliance front, a few months ago we recognised the fact that the gap between Ascending (still managed most superbly by @PhelanKell ) and Academy was widening - so some of the academy folks chose to add a 4th tier to our group and opened Guardians University which was very exciting for all of us to see how much we were still growing.

And in recent days we came in contact with another alliance looking for a family to join. I will follow this missive with their story as they wrote it as an introduction of themselves to our group.
They are all merged in, mostly in university and some in ascending and are now a integral part of our family :slight_smile:

Happy days ! It’s a good day to be a Guardian