Can you buy Valor Pass and get Premium Rewards for Milestones you unlocked before buying Valor Pass? ANSWER: Yes, you can

Just making this as a separate placeholder for merging any questions about this to.

If you purchase Valor Pass at any time during Path of Valor, Premium Rewards for Milestones you’ve already earned will unlock.

You don’t need to buy Valor Pass in advance of completing Challenges or unlocking Milestones in order to get the Premium Rewards.

You just need to buy Valor Pass before Path of Valor ends — so you can wait to purchase it until deciding if it’s worth it to you, if you’d like.


For discussion of Path of Valor, please see:


I’m on track to beat this Path of Valor but I was wondering with the next one if I concerned without being able to complete the challenges can I buy the path of valor After I have completed some levels and still get the previous rewards retroactively.

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Yes you can. Dont have to pay till you decided you are done

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Yes you can

20 thumbs up

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A post was merged into an existing topic: :compass: Second Path of Valor Log and Discussion – Starts April 6