Can we sell all these titan parts back to e&p for gems?

HotM in a bottle

I use more harpoons, titanium shields and panacea against triple seasonal bosses/ class quests than titans.

Never have enough of the correct titan parts.

If I Recall correctly, most of my accounts have much fewer 5* HotM than your main account.


Though harpoons are awesome for titans.

Never have enough iron.

Alchemy lab

I might actually build Alchemy lab if it requires titan parts instead of gems.

Having thought about this for 5 seconds, that is a terrible idea.

Alchemy Lab is even useless for getting rid of extra food from my watchtower

I wish Alchemy Lab broke ingredients/ farmable ascension items down into iron, or let me transform food to iron.


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([Warning!, Tip, Danger!] 🎶 Drunken Santa ( apologies to the Irish Rovers ) or Battle item targeting and harpoons in Santa's Challenge)

Class quests

([Warning!, Tip, Danger!] The Old Moderator and the Sea (apologies to Ernest Hemingway and @Kerridoc ) or Wilbur and harpoons in Trials of Piety)

5* Battle items

([Play style] Using titan parts and 5* battle items)

(Hunters Lodge Crafting Costs: Proposed Adjustment)

Challenge event penalty

([Suggestion] Allow harpoons in Legendary tier of Challenge events - #8 by Gryphonknight)

Beta feedback