Every time i log i see i lost cups, lose lose lose, i mean i do something wrong, how i can made a team to protect cups with the cards i have? hope can give a hand.
Hi @Rimbros. Everyone wins and loses trophies, and I feel your pain. It’s frustrating losing a bunch overnight. I would suggest using Richard as your tank(middle position) and removing Wu Kong from your defense team. Wu can be great sometimes, but on defense you can’t coordinate specials when you’re being attacked, and the chance of Richard or Boomer missing their special isn’t worth taking. I’d try Melendor/ Boomer/ Richard/ Kelile/ Rigard and see if that helps a bit. Hope this helps!
Buttstuff gave good advice. I no advice regarding your team; rather, I will try to help you let go of this need to keep your cups.
Yes, you won them, and they are yours. Oops, several somebodys took your cups. This is a game of back and forth that will not change much. You can try and change your def team, but that will gain you little.
Remember, you won those from guys who were off line just like you were offline when you were raided. It goes around and around until you make a substantive change. That means adding a hero which powers you to a new level.
That, of course, is where the circle begins again
Thanks guys by the tips.