C. Kadilen needs a nerf

There’s no way C. Kadilen is 45% dodge chance. Many, many times it’s been more like 75% + !!! Along with the dispelled dodge it’s incomparable with other costumes S1 heroes especially. Law of averages say when I fire a AoE special not all 5 heroes shud dodge but more often than not they do &never has it been the stated 45%. It’s always at least 3 but mostly 4 dodge. Then they have minions all over them, double whammy !!! Yes there’s counters, yes there’s other powerful heroes but I’m calling out the algorithm or whatever RNG is used cuz my personal experience she dodged way, way more than 45%, but because of the power creep or power jump shud I say she will eventually be relevant. Right now her special is broke. Don’t jump over me I’m not calling for a nerf I just want some dev. to assess her special as the dodge percentage is more than 45%.

I’m thinking Skadi would be good to take here. Let C Kad fire. Unload specials to make the thorn minions appear. Wait out the rest of the dodge duration. Fire Skadi to drop a nice stack.

It’s situational, but I use C Sabina waaaay more than C Rigard. Taunter or C Kad or Sif on the enemy’s defense? C Sabina is the way to go. C Sabina will get aethers easily before C Rigard for me as she gets way more use.

I guess you’ve got it figured out though, so no need to give you any pointers.

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Were just doin it differently.
I just gave the background to why Sabina/SabinaC didnt make it into my roster.
Tbh i dont use Rigard either in my current lineups.

When im up against sif/kadilen etc double/reversed double i mostly go for a Purple monoteam, from left to right its Seshat-hannah-dark lord-clarissa-kunchen, In 6-7 purple tiles everything starts cooking…

I have good prevention/dispell/crowd control/damage and survivability in all colors, so my main problem has nothing to do with having problems taking down teams with KadC, i am having problems with the 45% isnt accurate when on def when i field test new heroes.

Peachy Keen - a good argument, well put (even in the earlier, simpler version).

S1 5* (which make up most of my rosters) are woefully underpowered compared to later season/event heroes - with a few exceptions. Even fully emblemed up they still struggle and it’s always a struggle to know who to power up when there are only so many emblems to go round.

You’re absolutely right - the occasional lucky drop of a costume for a S1 5* is the only thing that keeps you competitive under such circumstances. And after three years of CTP I still only have a handful of s 2/3/4 / event 5* heroes so I am grateful for the small uplift from costumes that I have picked up.

I have cos Kad but I can’t say I have noticed any difference in my success rate for defences - I suspect that whatever advantage she gave has already been eclipsed by some of the monsters that people now have in their attack squads.

Same here - well C Mel, Chakky, and C Sabina less so (but will get more use once I LB her). These days buffers are more prevalent than ailment dealers, and many defenses use multiple buffers that synergise with each other. Fighting ailments can be done using a cleanser, but the heal itself works to mitigate it. I also run a couple of Elradirs that I use specifically against DOTs so I don’t want to actually cleanse. On the other hand, nothing works against a dispel other than a dispel, or waiting it out - which is at times not feasible if you have your back against the wall. So for me C Mel is completely underwhelming at face value but is in reality close to being my MVP

Everyone who has Her will say she is Fine. You are not the only one who notice this and I’m sure this topic will be forwarded to another just like mine.

Good luck and “everyone will say” she is working as intended. Meanwhile jade,margarett,inari and everyone else ans their mother who does the same are “working as intended” as well……very nice…….

I think she doesnt needs nerf.

But i dont agree she dogde all. Exemple: she can dodge dispel and cobalt x3 charge.

Cobalt on x3 charge have 100% to bypass defensive buff. How C. Kadilen can dodge this? This Dont make sense to me

I’m glad she does dodge Cobalt. Cobalt is already very strong the way he is.

I agree, but it still doesn’t make sense. If he has a 100% chance of bypass, she shouldn’t dodge.

She dodges even dispel (melendor, C Vivica). :thinking:

Based on this video I recorded C. Kadilen needs a buff she clearly has 0% dodge rate!!! 6 attacks in a row and her skill doesnt dodge a single one!!!

(hint - sarcasm detected)


she really needs a BUF I just removed emblems from her. SO much better druids. She is junk, BUF her.
This post is from 2020 when there was no slayers, supreme heroes…

I think 46% is correct but divided weird between on attack or on defense.

I bring both Inari and kadC along on attack for laughs sometimes… and the only one who can match a defending Kadilens %to dodge is an attacking inari…

I know it sounds weird but the dodge chance of Kadilen and inari seems to be different wheater youre attacking or defending.

Its like kadilen has double chance on defense but only half on attack, while inari is the opposite.

I think that the main reason people are finding finding calls for nerfs to be so ridiculous is that cKad isn’t the top green defender (she’s arguably #2, but Frigg has her beat by a country mile), and she’s not particularly amazing on offense. I honestly cannot think of the last time I brought mine on a war hit. She’s a good hero and probably more common than a lot of the event/seasonal heroes, so all that I can figure is that people overrate her due to prevalence (or possibly since her effect is all-or-nothing it lends itself to confirmation bias the same way Wu has a million “He never hits” threads going)


Agree…if they nerf her for defensive purpose she will be even more dead on offense. A hero worthless on defense and offense? Telluria anyone?

My Only issue with C.Kadilen is this. We All understand that she has a 45/46% chance to dodge But How Come her and everyone’s mother can dode MORE THAN INARI,jade x3 Mind you Jade,Inari have a Fing 75% CHANCE TO DODGE AHH Donde forge Margarette! All of the above with a 75% chance to donde and I have NO ISSUES whatsoever. Yet again comes C.Kadile with her 46% + her invinaible 64% extra!. Of course whoever have her on their deck Will say she is working “as intended”. I love what she does don’t get me wrong but there MUST be some sort of Mistake there. But Zynga/SG They need more Heroes and event. So they can Have MORE work trying to fix the Old Heroes + the New ones!. Good Strategy…… :upside_down_face:

Lol…guys that ask for a nerf Just have two problems… As a Noob pra doesnt have the hero ajajajjaj

  1. They aren’t going to nerf
  2. They are adding more heroes like her
  3. There are way more difficult heroes to face
  4. Her damage is low
  5. Her % is exactly as stated, there is no conspiracy, just RNG
  6. Plenty of counters

My strategy is usually a 3 dispeller (I use Devana and Evelyn quite often) and then hit a sniper on any that fail to dodge. Very effective and it is very rare that all 3 dodge.

Her damage is so low sometimes I even send tiles at her on purpose to avoid other heroes.

Stop complaining already

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My best counter is to bring Mist along with a minion’s sniper specialist.
In the best case Mist prevent her skill on the targets I need to kill, in the worst case Uraeus or Grefjon will have more work to do.

I hope I had Skadi :frowning:

Me and my alliance wanted to get some data on kadilen and why is every top player using her and it’s for 1 and 1 reason alone 45 percent dodge at fast mana .

After each of my alliance memebers fought costume kadilen 10x and calculated the amount of dodges her and her allies get the numbers are way off . It’s not 45 percent chance of dodge it’s over 82 percent chance when we battled her over 200 times . You have a hero with ridiculous tank defense then add 170% damage to all enemies which is around 300 to 400 hit to each enemy then add a dodge that is nearly dodging almost every hit then had a minion every time that happens then at mana fast speed , COME ON !!! SG NERF NERF NERF , not everyone spends 300 dollars month on this game to get special heroes to defeat ridiculous heroes like this one . I love when players say oh that’s easy just use this hero with this hero and have that hero and that’s how you can defeat that hero , ummm like I said I dont spend 300 more dollars a month getting to summons all the time so I have all these incredible heroes to defeat overpowered heroes like costume kadilen. It took over a year to nerf telluria cant imagine how long it’s going to take for costume kadilen or is she will be nerfed at all , I mean you have to please the 500 whales over the millions of other non cash cows.