I mean I can see the thought process that probably went into it. alexandrine and Celidna keep everyone alive and the innacuracy for blue tiles makes taking them to clear Khufu risky.
Whilst it wouldn’t normally be the advised and suggested options it does make me feel happy seeing the variety.
But yeah you’d think unless they had the worst pull luck in the world there would be better options
They spend quite a lot of money to get the aethers to lb2 at least all these 5 heroes, so I doubt they did not have better choices in the roster. And yeah, I like the variety as well, but I am wondering about their thought process
Have you considered that just because you or I find a hero to be good, great to terrible, other’s don’t? People have their own minds and playstyle, and can/should LB2 anyone they choose to, it shouldn’t matter to anyone else why they did it, the fact they did it because they wanted to is all the info you need
he is very lucky my friend. he’s F2P.
every aether portal. we get 6x free pulls. he gains 3x Super alpha combo = 15 alpha aether. and already 3 rounds of the aether portal (if i’m not mistaken). then he already got 45 alpha aether. plus he got it in the MV , rare titan. war chest. Elemental chests, etc.
believe me there are some people who are very lucky. sometimes I envy them. LMAO.
I actually find Alexandrine and Celidana annoying heroes in action. That healing passive of Alexandrine is so annoying that it kinda forces you to finish her by tiles and not specials lol
At least these 2 are healers and may last that player for a while.
Klearn, is a different story… maybe its THE ONLY BLUE…
Anyway thanks for sharing… its good to see different playstyle and 2LB options out there.
I agree with you. some are unlucky in the hero. anyone lucky in aether etc.
there are people who say he made 6x pulls on the covenant portal and got 4 feature heroes (including hurricane) there are those who spend 460++ pulls to get one hurricane.
Maybe they find Klaern useful on attack teams? I presume this tournament excludes green, and Klaern is just the second blue LB2’ed they have. Or they like the 2022 family bonus?
I am trying to understand what you mean by this. I don’t even have a second lb2 hero overall and I am wondering if actually enough alpha aethers were released so far to get two heroes lb2 in each element
I thought the same, but why spend a few hundred/ thousands USD extra for a protest against SG, I am sure they care about the fact that you bought the aethers, not who you lb2
I feel this is the best explanation so far. And probably they imagine they will be able to buy some more whenever needed, because they are quite valuable imo
Nah, I’ve faced teams with only one 2LB. I’ve seen a few Klaerns. A couple times it was Celidana. Once a Grazul.
Not everyone reads the forums or understands all aspects of the game. I hang at the 2850 cup level. I am attacked daily by rainbow teams, usually 3x each. Those players are often level 100.
it depicts perfectly EnP today: a lvl40 rich kid player who just spends his monthly money on a game, where there’s no balance anymore (gets RNG heroes and uses his bought resources without a thought - because he can buy more later)
I think OP was confused that the player had 5 2LB heroes, so obviously a spender and still seems to see klaern worth to double LB. If it was only one 2LB hero in the team it wouldnt come across that odd.
Btw, I am not a level 100 player, but above 90… And sometimes I raid rainbow as well. Just for fun. With the right team synergy win rate is even quite good. Battles tend to take longer though.