Bug ? the mana is filled slower before last update! (Answer: Fast Mana heroes have always required 8 tiles)

Hello, I have a team of 2 kelile, boldtusk, kashhrek and turkey … I have the problem from the last update since when kelile is no longer filled with 6 red tiles as before, 2000 cups that I kept from 1 month ago I was lowered today to 1780 and there is almost no way to beat anyone. With 3 reds to much more damage before what they do now and the mana was filled with 6 pieces, now there are times I need 7 and times I need 8 and times with 6 is full . Is it a bug? or have changed something in the game? sorry for my bad english !

Kelile never filled with 6 tiles. Fast Mana has always required 8 tiles, but can be brought down to 7 with high-level 4* troops, class abilities, and/or special skills.


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