Bug in raid tournament matching?

Matchmaking in tournaments isn’t based on the Team Power…

Team power is an INDICATOR not anything more… You could have a team of 5x +20 Margaret which would have a TP of 4700+… doesn’t make it a good team or difficult to beat…

Tournament Matchmaking is instead based on performance…

At the start of the tournament, players are essentially assigned a offence & defence “rank” (lets call them x & y.
This initial rank offence rank is based on your AVAILABLE heroes strength (excludes heroes who are ineligible for the tournament). I am not 100% sure about the defence value but I think it has to do with the defence team you SET rather than the available heroes…

Once the tournament starts, x & y go up and down based on your offence & defence performance (respectively). You then start getting matched defence teams based on your new x and their new y values…

So essentially as you win more battles, your x value goes up
x(new) = x(old) + victory
as you lose it goes down:
x(new) = x(old) - Defeat

Same thing for defences… as they win they get matched with stronger enemies:
y(new) = y(old) + victory
and as it looses, it goes down & gets matched with weaker enemies:
y(new) = y(old) - Defeat

So from this you can see that team power doesn’t really factor into anything at all… It is very dependent on your initial match-up which is entirely based on the available heroes you COULD use in the tournament (not the ones you DO use).