Buff - Vela


We’re not just getting back OG Vela; we’re getting a bit of interest paid. She’ll keep the increased water DoT she got to compensate for the nerf hammer being dropped on other parts of her special. She’ll also keep attack down to all instead of just to reds, albeit a 34% drop vs. 54% against reds. But she’s back to 150% damage to all, with extra damage to red. (I hope that also applies to her DoT.) I always thought countering difficult reds was the best part of this hero. I am looking forward to seeing if Vela’s still got it!

Sincere thanks to all who commented and voted. We finally got #JusticeForVela!

Also, sincere thanks to @Petri and the SGG devs. I was very cynical about the request for the community to give feedback on who needs balance adjustments, but the community coalesced around Vela, and you guys listened. Seldom been so happy to say I was wrong.