Buff Tourney, Dodge is a defensive buff. Here is proof. I need help from the community. Zagrog should be bypassing ALL DEFENSIVE BUFFS

I have been waiting for this tournament to show you all that dodge is a DEFENSIVE BUFF. How are these heros getting a “buff booster” if it is not a offensive or defensive buff? It literally makes n sense to me considering the proof if right in our faces! Here are the pictures and proof that dodge is an offensive/DEFENSIVE buff.

When is this going to be patched? Zagrog can bypass dodge. The proof is right here.

It’s a buff. It’s not a defense buff. It’s not an offensive buff. It’s just a buff.


That makes no sense. The hero is on defense. It casts dodge. It is a defense buff. Counter attack gets a buff too. What is the difference?

Defensive buffs = buffs that boost defensive stats or otherwise reduce or nullify damage received by the hero (e.g. Mitsuko’s reflect, Gazelle’s dance). Counterattack does not reduce damage, which is why it is explicitly listed in the special description.

Defensive buffs =/= buffs used by heroes on defense. A “defense up” buff will always be a defensive buff even if the hero is on offense. An “attack up” buff will always be an offensive buff even if the hero is on defense.

Edited with additional explanation - I truly don’t know how to make this clearer.


You proved me right with your own words.


“otherwise reduce or nullify damage received by the hero.”


Dodge does this.


The 5* red hero with 2 fire stick that explicitly stated “will never miss” is the only 1 that I know that goes thru dodge

If you dodged the damage I am hard pressed to understand how you also received it.

Deffensive buffs are buffs that affects defense durning damage calculation:

  • Regular defense buffs
  • Elemental defense buffs
  • Defense against speciall skills buff
  • Gazelle buff (at least should work)

Heroes with bypass can bypass defensive buffs and counterattack buff (including elemental reflection since its classified as conterattack buff)

Dodge is neither of those


Exactly. There is a difference between dropping the damage from an attack that made its target and evading an attack entirely.

This isn’t the first or last time defense buffs will be discussed. I like Guv’s explanation years ago.


So… just like the Ninja heros… they dodge and counter attack… it is 100% a defense buff. Now, the special skill that gives heros dodge is defense buff bc now it has the ability to “dodge” special skills. They couldn’t do that before.

Dodge is a defense buff.


It’s not your call. You have to convince the people who make that call that you’re right. You’re not going to accomplish that by simple assertion or appeal to “it doesn’t make sense”.

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Dodge is a pile of crapp, one of the most stupid mechanics gamewide. It’s one thing to dodge damage, but dodging ailments and dispells make it crazy OP. Rogues have the evade ability and that’s fine. Evade and dodge basically are different words for the same action. Dodge/evade the damage but not the ailment or dispell. That makes sense. Dodging implies a phisical move, able to avoid an incoming blow, from sword, axe, hammer, arrow or any phisical object. Dodging spells and dispells makes no sense what so ever… Of course, rules are made up from the horses back in order to sell more heroes, so there’s no point in taking it too serious. It only works on defense anyway…


It is a physical move that doesn’t allow damage.


Thank you.

It isn’t my call, yes. However, dodge is a defensive buff. It gets a buff boost for tourney. It just isn’t a “buff.”

If we were heros in this game and i sniped you for 500 damage and i hit you right?

Your turn comes and you attack me and have dodge which helps you when the offensive team attacks.

Now, I go to snipe you again and you dodge and you are on defense. It is a defensive buff. Without it you would recieve all the damage instead of no damage.

Case and point.

Don’t see Zagrog in your SS.

Sobek can bypass defensive buffs too. But he can’t bypass Dodge. He goes through if Dodge doesn’t kick in. And then bypasses defensive buffs to damage enemy.

As for Buff RT, any buff will increase damage. Many many options to boost damage;

• HoT
• Mana per turn or mana boost
• Ailment block
• Damage buff (like Glenda)
• HOTM with their EL
• Costume considered buff too.
And more.

If you use a team, with Buff type heroes, you can end up with 5 active buffs or more. Damage will be much higher then.


If you want to argue for better wording and clarity of what is considered a defensive buff and what isn’t I’ll support you. Most of us are just trying to help you understand what actually happens in the game and the general understanding of why that is.

You can make all of the arguments you want about it not working correctly but you didn’t make it a bug post.


Not really, the damage is not reduced or nullified, because the hero is never hit at all, so there is no damage to nullify.

It´s a very thin line, but I guess that would be the explanation? Not saying it makes much sense.

A “buff on defense” is entirely different from a “defense buff” it may not be logical to you and I agree the wording could be more clear/exact, but it certainly is not the same thing.

I see it this way - in order for an attacking hero to use his SS, he needs to make physical contact with the defending hero. This does not happen when dodging (mechanics similar to blinding a hero). Just a miss that prevents the attacking hero from using the skill.
In the ring, for example, a boxer can get hit, block it, or dodge it. These are three completely different activities.