Buff Telluria, please!

I’m kind of shocked right now. I already knew that your intelligence was nowhere near mine. What I failed to realize it’s just how unintelligent you are to get annihilated and come back for more as if the roles were reversed and you have the upper hand. Wow, I feel like I should be showing you pity but I’m not going to. Wow you’re dumb, but let’s begin…

  1. Have you ever seen SG recreate a hero’s abilities to the point where that hero was given a different ability than it initially started with?

No, they will alter the statistics, but the abilities have always stayed the same. So why that might be someone’s hope and dream, It’s not a viable option.

  1. Do you actually think SG will restore Telluria and her abilities to what they were at the time of her release, in which we both said she would be a non factor; or that SG would willing to buff her past her original form?

No, you can’t possibly think SG would restore her, much less make her stronger than she was at the time of release and if that’s what you’re counting on happening then good luck. Again, either she’s a non-factor or it ain’t going to happen so not a viable option either. In business when you fail that bad at one of your endeavors to the point where you take it out behind the barn and just shoot it, you don’t bring it back to life. They killed her, washed her hands of it, and moved on. You don’t bring your greatest failure back to life after that, because it can only result in more backlash.

  1. So if we can’t change her original ability and we can’t make her even stronger than her original release what are the options? Also, what method has SG been using to make Heroes that are outdated relevant again? And this hero is from 3 years ago so even if she never got nerfed she would still be outdated and useless.

A Costume is the answer to both questions. Sorry bro not my choice, that’s just how the game’s been operating.

4a. Now to this priceless gem of brilliance.

Here is the paragraph you were referencing.

4b. I open up saying that I’m okay if they bring her back to life with a costume. Simple enough.

Next, I say that they should just leave her original version alone because everybody already has her and it’s not like she would be the first hero who’s standard form is useless. I could have left out the whole everybody has her part, but why have 90% of the gaming community testing out an ability that we already know is going to be a non-factor and you even stated that yourself. So why what a company waste resources just to flood their game with garbage?

After that I reiterated when I first said and being okay with a costume. While stating that it’ll be nice that not everybody will have her because like all costumes that I’ve been released, you have to get it in a summon. Now do people have to pay to get her costume? Ummmm…Duh! Name a single costume you haven’t had to pay for why should this one be any different? And the fact that I’m happy that sense of summon is required to obtain her costume which means she won’t plague the game for a second time it’s completely understandable.

So far:
•I’m ok with bringing her back to life using a costume
•I think there’s no need to touch the original version
•I’m happy that if she does come back I don’t have to see her everywhere because costumes are attained through an additional summon.

The last point I made was was my initial statement we’ve gone over so many times of saying that if they restored her to her prime she would be a non-factor regardless.

This is the part where you look stupid:

You suggested that I said players should have to buy a costume in order to use Telluria’s original form.

•Please explain to me we’re I even made the slightest remark regarding what the abilities of the costume should be.

•Please explain why you think people shouldn’t have to pay for a costume when every costume that’s ever been released has been done the same exact way.

•Please explain how your accusations are true and mine are false

•Please explain how you aren’t a whiny cry baby now for the second time and a disrespectful one who is clearly in the wrong on top of all that.

•Please explain to me how I’m a hypocrite.

•And I saved the best for last. …So for the last time child, please explain to me who the real idiot is!

So why don’t you learn to watch your mouth little boy before you go disrespecting people and calling someone a hypocrite and idiot because you lack good sense, respect, and reading comprehension.

(places pacifier back in standyourground’s mouth)

Telluria is in dire need of a buff. Almur is a better tank at this point. Even if she was reverted to her original state, she would still not challenge the current tank heroes.

There’s so many Heroes that are completely useless and have outlived their Prime. What makes Telluria so special that everyone just wants her buffed, but not every other hero? I mean it’s one freaking hero and people just keep throwing a fit about it. How about all the heroes that never even had a prime? why just Telluria? You know why? It’s because everybody has her and what happens when you beef up a hero that everybody has? They Nerf it so why would they beef her up just to have to Nerf her again when they couldn’t get it right the first time the second time or the third time? They killed her for a reason and everyone should just make their peace with it because it’s one hero from 2 years ago. It’s time to move on people, it’s time.

Why dont you guys unnerf some of our older heros like Telluria for one we can’t compete with the likes of some of these new heros, gargoyles and others its like we are now separated after us older players, establish our teams and paid dearly for them now are almost obsolete. When you can have a 5300 team against my best 4900 team and take me out in less than three moves somethings wrong this isnt a rare battle this is happening consistently.


Because they want you to keep paying dearly. Can’t have the gravy train drying up now :smile:

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:

Your right aboit that

We dont want her beefed up just back to were she was and others when they came out. I have three if them and would give you 2 cents for any of them.

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You have lost your mind.

Agreed she is so weak its not worth using her.

I have been playing E&P only for one year. The Telluria nerf, though before my time, lives in infamy.

I don’t even have Telluria, but I would like her to be returned near to her former power — which I presume nowadays would no longer seem overpowered at all.

I voted yes.

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I’m glad you weren’t around, it was the straw that broke this camel’s back…and I left the game for two years lol. Why I am back even I don’t know…

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Now don’t get me wrong I could care less if they were to restore Telluria to her previous form, so understand that I’m not against it. I’m saying that she would still be completely irrelevant like she is currently. Hey you don’t have a bunch of Heroes and you just want something to work with the I get it.

I’m just saying that people need to understand that they killed her for a reason and why even think about opening up that can of worms again? She isn’t going to improve a roster by much and you won’t be much better than you are now regardless.

So the whole question is why do people care so much? It’s 1 hero…like a single worthless hero that almost ruined this whole game! For her to even be worthwhile they would have to create her a costume, end of story.

Again, for a business to revive it’s greatest failure would be foolish and say they made her strong with a costume and had to nerf her again! Just imagine how bad of a response SG would get when people are still crying over her 2 years later! It’s a terrible business move and in business, when you take something out behind the barn and kill it, you bury it and forget it ever happened.

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Because people paid good money to pull for the hero as advertised

And people like me (who are FTP) saved up pulls for the month of March to deliberately pull for her, and got lucky, and got her…

…only for her to be smashed to oblivion

So while game balance is important, this whole bait and switch thing I can never agree with!


But I still make the argument why do people only complain about Telluria? You act like there isn’t a ton of them who have been rendered useless. Yeah I don’t see anyone complaining about the rest of them or any of them besides Telluria. That’s my issue, if you want to make it about destroying Heroes then make the argument in regards to all of them, but I only hear it in regards to one hero and it’s just mind-boggling to me. With that being said if I could drop 50 heroes in your lap right now trust me I would, because I’m sick of looking at 80 Heroes I haven’t touched and wish I could give them away somehow. I mean it’s not like they aren’t paid for lol.

With that being said I wish you could get what you paid for and I completely understand that argument. But there’s just no way they would be dumb enough to resurrect their greatest failure

If you look hard enough, there are plenty of threads on post-release nerfs, and they aren’t any more justifiable than what was done to Telly - they are just as bad lol

I mean, just to get us started there was costume Krampus and the purple squid Xnolphod just off the top of my head…

The reason Telly gets the “most attention” is because for her time, she was very very strong. And hence, most sought after.

It doesn’t mean that other heroes don’t deserve to be “resurrected” or re-buffed either of course!

Well the one thing we can agree on (I gather) is that upstairs should do the right thing and re-buff EVERY hero they nerfed to oblivion out of fairness to its playerbase. They’ve re-buffed Vela, which is good, but Telly is still sitting out in the cold.

They should also generally provide much needed buffs to subpar heroes (particularly terrible HOTM like Balur or Klaern… but maybe that’s a different kettle of fish)

Not for 2+ years there isn’t.

While I do understand the frustration there is one aspect people tend to overlook. That this isn’t just a game and we are all not just players of it. it’s a business and we are all consumers. Let me give you the cold hard truth.

•supply and demand is a real and if you were a business owner and your demand was through the roof and didn’t expect what you’re selling to fly off the shelf so quickly, what do you do?

-You raise the price!

•Now it’s easy to blame SG but I commend them on running such a profitable business in which the only overhead is employee payroll for production and maintenance.

•The people you should blame are the ones maxing out heroes within an hour of that hero becoming available. Why would SG consider making Heroes more attainable with better odds or cheaper prices when people don’t seem to be having a problem with paying for it.

-imagine if the odds were twice as good. That means every huge roster and Big spender that you see just got even more powerful and are now even stronger than you could ever even imagine because they’re spending that same amount of money but now they are getting twice as much for it.

•If I owned SG I would do the same thing honestly. If people are willing to pay the price, why would I want to charge less? To make the consumer happy? You don’t see Ferraris for $30k do you?

-What do you buy today that practically isn’t disposable or built to break in order for resell value. You buy a phone for $1,300 and the battery is toasted after 2 years. Is it outrageous what phones cost? Of course it is but since so many people are willing to pay that price, why would they sell it for less?

•So basically SG is doing exactly what any business would do, because you have to understand they aren’t the ones setting the price, we are! As long as we the consumers are willing to go so deep out of pocket to be the best for the next month or two if you even have the skill to do it to begin with, we are the ones who complain about the way SG operates but it’s actually because of how we operate.

-We are the ones allowing SG to make Heroes disposable and do whatever they want with them. We are the ones who dictate the pricing because they ain’t going to charge us more than we’re willing to pay for. If you want businesses to not be so wealth driven and more ethically balanced, then it’s up to the consumer to draw the Line in the Sand and you can’t do it alone.

•So the truth isn’t always popular but everyone keeps calling SG the problem when honestly it’s our actions collectively as consumers that dictate price, odds, and even ethical boundaries. Recently they have also come out with things like The fated summon and SoulEx to help players in managing their roster size while getting new heroes in the process and even by choice. So the only people we have really to blame are ourselves and that’s just the ugly Truth in the matter. It’s easier to point a finger than to subjectively look at yourself in the mirror.

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Lol ok…what do you mean? I just gave you two threads on post-release nerfs to C Krampus and purple squid guy…

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Yeah people talk about nerfing recent heroes that just happened within the last few months but they’re not going to be talking about them two years down the road it’s been forever like eventually you got to move on especially when it’s a hero that there’s no way in hell they will ever bring back.

I’m sure they will buff her by releasing a costume soon :roll_eyes:

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A Tellouria costume at taverns of legends would be very nice.

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