Buff Sha Wujing

In a years time Sha Wujing will be a weak hero compared to the new legendary heroes that will have been released.

Please can you buff him now so that he can remain relevant.


:rofl: can’t stop for 20 minutes

But you’re absolutely correct


Well that made me chuckle…


Yes, he needs a buff please. Ive brought him to 2.60 and by the time i get 8 shields and 6 tonics then enough to feed him til he reaches 4.80 he WILL be irrelevant :cry: :disappointed_relieved: :cry: its sooo :pensive: sad

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please do not steal @Jesse1992 next thread ideas!!!

And because he is soooo weak it will be the best thing to put him in SE for 10 souls :grin::grin:

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I didn’t know I had?