Buff Request are not Costume Request

If you go through the threads for hero :man_superhero: balance request you will notice a lot of buff request to make existing old and sometimes new heroes more competitive. While the devs are responding to these request (albeit sluggishly), there has been a torrent of costumes for the same heroes that have pending buff requests. Can the devs please understand that buff request are mostly made by players that already own said heroes?
Meaning we don’t want to play the lottery again in hopes of getting a better version of what we already have. We want what we already have to be improved not redesigned and sold to us as costumes. And please increase buff rates to match costume release rates. Thank you


Well you get my vote ….
And for what it’s worth this is said in Beta many, many times…
If they create a good costume for a lacklustre hero then at least “buff” the original…
Sadly in the main it appears to fall on deaf ears, but then again they need you to spend your hard earned cash chasing that costume…
Just my two pennies worth


You sound as if you think “buff requests” are compelling. They’re not. They’re something they sprinkle on us to keep the rabble from storming the castle. They have no obligation to meet them first.


This, a thousand times this. :100:

I was so very sad to see the upcoming costume for Guinevere. That won´t help me one bit. :broken_heart:

I wish the company behind this game cared more about player happiness than cash. Or at least managed a balance. :balance_scale:


I’m guessing when they see a buff request for a particular hero, they’ll use that as a basis for a new costume for them. Have to monetise it somehow, and an ingame buff (like other games do) won’t bring in the money.


Costumes are new heroes that just happen to use an old hero as a starting point. They “buff” the original hero through the costume bonus but that is hardly a real buff of the original hero. I do not consider costumes to be buffs of the original at all.

Plus you will be more likely to not use the original if you get the costume so – new hero.

Yes there are edge cases, I personally never use costumed Sailor Moon (Lianna)


Any old hero will need a buff. Hell, even Jove and Anne will be in the need of a buff in two years time.

So, if you wanna buff, get a new costume

As said, that’s not a buff but a new hero. Keep up.

I said, every hero will need a buff at some point. So, you get a costume. Keep up

Every car needs a tune up at some point. So you get a new car. Doesn’t help the old car.


Ok to clarify. This game has premium heroes, mid tier heroes and duds.
So, your premium hero gets outdated or obsolete, or both and shifts into mid tier heroes. After 2-3 years of play, it ends up in the duds category.
It’s perfectly normal.

To revive that hero, developers issue a costume rather than just releasing the hero Mark2. If you get the costume and already have the hero, you save up on ascension mats and resources.
Instead of being grateful for that, you guys complain you want your outdated heroes buffed

very much this. Even if the costume does increase the stats of an old hero, one still needs to summon it! and with the low summon rates in general… a costume is definitely not a buff!


Yep. They have a walk in shop where you just pick what you want and walk out. I don’t think you still understand the difference between throwing a life line to an outdated hero many use versus throwing in a new one into a portal to extract money.

BTW, using your wife in a derogatory manner to try and make a point is really shady and it falls flat on its face. Humans aren’t cars or objects, virtual or otherwise.


It wasn’t a derogatory manner. I never said she did not look good

You fail to understand, perhaps wilfully. We are all perfectly aware of the progression of heroes here. What we are objecting to is calling a costumed version of an old hero a buff of that old hero. To get the costume is no different from getting a new hero. Using the costume version prevents using the original version. So, costumes are NOT a buff to the original hero.

It’s not hard to understand unless you choose not to.


I think you hit the nail on the head with this :wink:


There is a lot of that going around.

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And who exactly said costumes are buff to an existing hero? Zynga? Me? I just say, if you want your obsolete hero to perform better, get his costume and at least increase his base stats with costume bonus

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How is that not 20 characters?


So, what do you propose? We have all heroes at the same power level? Every hero to be same stats and same special skills mix?
Every hero to do 400% to all being average speed and at 1000 att? So, when they release new, stronger heroes,they just update every hero in the game to have the same stats as the one newly released?
Hero does 330% to all at slow, they release 360% at average, hell buff the first to average 360%. Why not