Bubbles or Morel for rainbow defense team

Trying to include a blue hero to my defense team. Which one is better, Morel or Bubbles?

  • Bubbles
  • Morel

0 voters

where is the vote?

Both are very solid choices. May I ask who are you pairing them with? Sometimes that makes the difference.

Don’t know yet how to form a better defense team,

Purple tank,
Costumed Obakan or Alfrike (can’t decide between them)

Yellow left: Drake Fong or Costumed Drake Fong or Thor (can’t decide amongst them)
Green right: Guan Yu or Congalach (can’t decide between them)

Blue left: Bubbles or Morel (can’t decide between them)
Red right: Marjana or Tahir (can’t decide between them)

An alternative is to use Ferant as red tank, and C. Obakan or Sartana or Domitia as right wing (don’t know how to choose)

Please help!

C Obakan (Alfrike’s too slow for this), Costume Drake Fong (better than Thor imo as he blinds 3 each time and the blind renews), Guan Yu (he’s faster) Bubbles (the shifting mind control is very strong), Tahir, stronger than Marjana in many contexts.


obakan only good with his second costume.

his first costume isn’t that scarry.

so for me personally, i prefer alfrike than first costume obakan (unless you got his awesome second costume).

between morel and bubbles, both are good, but since morel hit all, i choose morel on defense.

bubbles is better on offense than defense compared to morel since u can targetting specific opponent with bubbles.


Thanks. Here’s my C. Obakan,