BT or Zim or Azlar

Did a 10 pull last night and got Boldtusk (yeah my first BT) along with Zim. I also have a 2/60 Azlar . I have 10 rings but only 4 blades at the moment. So should I fully level BT, or should I start working on Zim or keep working on Azlar?

My priority of game play is 1) Titan, 2) War, 3) Events and raids, and my current roster is like this,

Fully leveled 4 stars,

Red: Gormek, Wilbur,
Blue: Kiril, Grimm, Sonya
Green: LJ, Caedmon, Melendor,
Yellow: Chao, Wu
Purple: Merlin, Rigard, Sabina

The 5 * and 4 * partly leveled: Khiona (have full mats), Hansel (full mats), Scarlett (at 3/60)

Unleveled: Missandra (only 3 scopes), Thorne, Domitia, Quintus and a bunch 4 * like Tib, Li Xiu, Boril, Kashhrek etc.

Thank you for your inputs in advance.


Max Boldtusk first (good for event, titans, war and raids) and then Zimkitha (events, war and raids).

BT and Zim step on each others toes. And you have plenty of good healers. I’d go first for Azlar; availability of ascension materials deciding which to ascend next: I expect Zim will be better in the long run, but BT is a mainstay for good reason.