Brynhild and Mist

So, got Mist last time, then a dup Mist and Brynhild this time. Then it occurs to me that these heroes could have a pretty nice synergy. Has anyone else thought this or better yet, tried them out yet?

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I Just today popped both to 4/70 with the plan to +20 both if them as I currently have the emblems spare. Looking at stats so far i think they could run with any 5* team and be of benefit. Green stack for me sucks so Brynhild will be refreshing and Mist is a welcome change from Chao, Together they rock I can confirm


Nice! I will be working both of them!

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I have both maxed, mist +9, bryn +18

Love bryn, mist’s special is great but she dies easily still I find… if you can fire her before BK’s special triggers, she cripples him.

I use bryn mostly in this setup and she dominates… been well over 2700 cups with it.

Alternating - Rigard costume +18 - buddy +18 - bryn +18 - Kingston +7

As well as her strong heal at fast speed and mana boost… the unable to be dispelled works great with an attack booster like costume Rigard, as 3 hero’s can’t have heal and atk boost dispelled

They are both fantastic 4*s from Valhalla! I think they’re definitely great to use together.