Brothers of the Sword are recruiting (again)

Howdy folks. After a good stretch of time being full, we lost two members who needed to move on after this past war. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors, but it leaves two openings for new recruits.

We are hitting 12-13* titans, generally passing on 14* unless it’s rare. We use Line app for war strategy communication, but we also have a “school” chat room that is multi-alliance and has some cool resources. Plus the main chat that we use to bust on each other. This game is supposed to be fun, after all. That’s what I tell myself all the time when frustrated with something going on. IT’S FUN, DAMMIT!!!

Ahem…anyway, if you are interested check us out in game or shoot me a dm on Line.

Earl Verdant
Brothers of the Sword
Line ID: earlverdant

Brothers of the Sword is a great alliance and I have been a member for over 1.5 years. No drama, just play your flags and have fun together. Come join us.

Bear walks into a bar and says to the bartender “I’ll have a gin and…(long pause)…tonic.”

Bartender says “Sure pal, but what’s with the big pause?”

Bear replies “What these? Always had em”

(Joke works better telling it live but use your imagination)

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Just making sure this is still here.

One of our long-lost brothers just returned to us, so our openings are now an opening. Just need one more hearty brother or sister to join us. Come and check us out…you won’t be disappointed.

More Red Meat for ya while we wait for you to join us. Cheers! - Earl

Well whaddya know. A veteran player joined us a few days ago and today a different one decided to take a break from the game. Room for 2 and it could be you!

Hey all. Wishing everyone a Happy 4th Birthday, especially those E&Pers who have been around that long. I’m approaching my 3rd anniversary in the game and I’m enjoying it as much as every. And that is 100% due to this here alliance and the people in it. Solid to the core an a lot of fun.

Openings for 2 more brothers or sisters. Check us out in game or hit me up on Line app.

Brothers of the Sword
Line ID: earlverdant

UPDATE: One joining tomorrow after war. Still one slot open. Do it to it!

Hey kids!

One more opening, bidding starts at “Hi…how ya doing?”. C’mon in, the water is fine.

Brothers of the Sword
Line ID: earlverdant

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