I am almost done leveling this guy and I absolutely love him. I’m thinking about pairing him with Wilbur for added Defense-down effects, but I don’t know how the core interacts with the soul-connected status. Would Wilbur’s soul-connection slow the charging on Brimstone’s core?
Mostly Stats and my inability to take Brimstone to LB1/LB2 right now. When I finally get 5 star aethers, they’ll got to Blossom. I feel I need him at Lb2 for survivability
That’s the crux right there tho aint it pal. Lack of aethers & what really gets my goat is the lack of aether reset tokens. Cheapskates won’t throw us a bone or 2 so we can get back those aethers we wasted on Fogg & Morel, etc. etc.
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