Brienne or Melendor for Druid Emblems

Brienne’s special is epic, but would it be a mistake to put druid emblems on her when I have Melendor?

I would definitely choose Meledor, because he would be someone you would be using for a long time, whereas for Brienne, you would soon stop using her when you get better heroes. Also, having 6 healers for each of the war teams is very essential. Also, he is a dispeller which is also a very important skill.


It’s “only” 198 emblems, and you can always reset the emblems if you regret your decision. Minion and fully speccing her in hp/defense make her stats comparable to a squishy 4*. Add in some defensive 3* troops and you’re good to go against titans way above generic 3* can endure. Obviosuly outside of titans I don’t see any use for that, especially if you already have or leveling a 4* team.

I know I will be doing this, and right after maxing Melendor mind you.
My reasoning is Melendor does everything Melendor does with or without emblems. Meanwhile Brienne, being a 5* with 3* stats scales poorly on titans, so without a survivability boost she can’t do her job.

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Brienne no. Brienne is great at challenge events (mainly Avalon) and in raid tournaments. But even if we’re talking strictly about 3 stars, Melia wants them more.

And since your other choice is Melendor, then yeah easy choice.

If you do decide to emblem some 3 star heroes for events, my advice, get a 4 star to at least 5 nodes first, then decide from there. Or if you literally don’t have a better choice for another hero; for e.g. I did Gunnar to 14 nodes, because I have no 4* choice for paladins, and because he’s one of the best tanks in 3* raid tournaments.


I wouldn’t say a mistake, per say, but I don’t know that it’s the best use of your emblems. Then again, I’m not sure it’s the worst use either.

One of the big questions you should consider is how much you enjoy fighting Titans since that’s ultimately what having an emblemed Brienne is good for. She’s at best kind of a questionable long term investment outside of that. She’ll be decent in the short and medium run, but you might be mildly annoyed later when you have better options, but it’s hard to say how long you’ll play the game for either, so future planning is only of limited value there.

The rough math is that you’ll get 95% of the emblems back by resetting Brienne, and you can level roughly 2.5 3* heroes to max+20 for the same number of tokens as a single 4* max+20, so you’re not losing much in the long haul.

Brienne is one of the only green heroes in the entire game that does what she does, the other option being Gadeirus who is an Atlantis pull, so not terribly likely unless you’re really lucky or have a decent chunk of change you’re okay spending (or already have one, obviously), and even Gadeirus is arguably only a sidegrade to Brienne instead of a straight up advantage.

But Brienne is very, very squishy also. She’s a bit questionable to bring to Titans 5* and above unless you spend a decent amount of time keeping her up and blowing healing potions the moment the Titan so much as breathes on her. Emblems will help with that.

So at the end of the day, I don’t think you’d lose too much by embleming out Brienne, but the bigger question is how often and whether you enjoy fighting low-mid level Titans or not. If you like the Titan fights and want to do better, it wouldn’t be the worst usage of emblems at all to make Brienne as tough as possible. If you don’t enjoy that as much, probably not a great usage of your tokens.

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