:bow_anns Mannjoy!

Sorry for the dumb question but what’s the Backup Storage Percent? We have an 8* titan and hit it with 11 harpoons already, I was just checking the forum to make sure that we have enough. Thank you.

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backup harpoons when the alliance is short and you wanna fill the void

you set the perccentage as per your will.and it calculates how much you should keep aside for rainy alliance days :slight_smile:

example: tier 2, 20% calculated for every titan level

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Thank you @_John_Doe. Have you seen a bug in the titan count gauge ? For a 9* titan it was not full at 13 harpoons so we used one more and it has gone beyond the cursor

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The same happened in my alliance with a 8*.
Teammates used 11 harpoons and the gauge wasn’t filled.
We got the rewards though, so it seems to be just a visual bug

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pls post screenshots; so SG can rectify it

@GrandGousier @J1mau

p.s. it is not a bug in my xls, but SGs’ display :slight_smile:

im only on 12* in Saders; we are getting ready for the big boys :smile:

Forgot to get one, i will try to get a picture next time

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