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reality is that, as f2p, chances to get 5*s you want/like/use are slim
but the uglier reality is that you will get them, sooner or later, and then the s1 non-costume Richard and Thorne aren’t gonna be used, on the long run

until that happens the one you will get more of is Richard, due to his atk down. i would max at least Richard. you have 18 scopes, you re gonna be left with 12. what are the chances to get 3 good blue 5*s and not have enough mats? lol

i was in your position: having thorne70 and 18 scopes and i used 6 on him. after, tethys and second miki dropped . thorne is at 4.something, tethys is done, miki at 3.something and guess what i’m at 12 scopes (got 6 scopes since i ascended thorne, 3 months ago).

so,dont worry about it; max at least one blue. you re good
