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ill have to do some research on that. will get back to it later

and back:

researched and conclusion,
gm is ofensive, clarissa is defensive no doubt

pro gm:
bigger tile damage when emblemed on same branch; that aids to bleed too
boosts reds in atk

con gm:
lower on survivability, even though he should def better with the undispellable
he is countered by a sniper, kingston
lacks the bonus resist of the new hotm

pro clarissa:
better at survivability, class and undispelable
counters several heroes with poison resist (all not that menacing without poison; ironically, proteus becomes is the most dangerous withou poison), especially when flanking guin
imo, more versatile than gm; good for offense too, especially in war where you sometimes need to resist build the board
she’s being contered by ranvir, a not that menacing hero

con clarissa:
thats poison resist against her own darks is kinda weird; placing her in wing to counter jabber is kinda off
most likely she shouldnt be tanked even though class indicates that

overall, i cant say she is better than gm
but she is more versatile and contrary to gm dark will always hit strong their weak color
thats why i expect to see her as much if not more as gm in the meta after-tell

some pics with embs def or atk (richard as paladin… oops)
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