Boats and hose - Flexible + Active community 3200+ TP and 2000+ trophies :)

boats and hose leader HapaGirl58 has asked me to extend a warm greeting to everyone on the forum :slight_smile:

Hapa and the gang are looking for new friends to join us with:

Team Power 3200+ and about 2000 trophies+

We’re a flexible and realistic group that won’t crucify you if you miss a few titan hits for good reason eg work or family issues. We totally understand.

Rather we look to overall and consistent contributions in the War and for Titans.

That’s one of our key strengths. That doesn’t mean we’re bludgers, we’re all super active.

By joining the team you’ll have access to some helpful friends – most notably Shalazandra, a chatterbox who loves to share thoughts on your team and how to improve it.

I’m happy to help too where I can.

Alliance name: boats and hose

Leader: HapaGirl58

Look forward to seeing you soon :wink:

Spots open now!!

Message me if there are any issues.


We still have at least two spots open!

We are now down to 1 spot!!

HI Frenzied eye is the opening still available?

Yes it still is :smile:

Please do join!

Hi @Gbenyon hope all is well

We’re ready whenever you’re ready and looking forward to you joining :grin:

I’d like to pay a tribute to one of my first alliances, Boats and hose.

Unfortunately our leader Hapa had to quit the game due to a tough time, and that’s why I came out to form Beacons.

Some of us have dispersed but I do remember the good old days.

Don’t forget your roots…


Looks like the alliance went dead after that day