Blue hero ascension help

Looking for a little advice on my next blue 5* hero to level up. I know I don’t have the greatest selection but I just pulled my 12th telescope.

My current maxed 4*/5* blue heroes are: C.Magni, Frida, Fenrir, Aegir (aka the mistake), C.Sonya (2x), C.Kiril, Grimm, and Triton.

I have Richard with costume, Glenda, and Fenrir available for ascension. I’m a low diamond/high platinum raider and alliance uses blue tanks for war.

Raid Defense: C.Magni, Onatel, Telly, Jean-François, Fenrir

War Defense: Onatel, Telly, C.Magni, Jean-François, Viv

Richard: very tanky with average speed meh charge move. Costume adds some nice stats and Paladin class add a nice defensive boost. Telly has Paladin emblems right now but I’m loosing faith in him.

Glenda: She’s the new shiny hero, good attack stats and an interesting average speed charge move. Hits 3 heroes and is on par with other 3-hit 5* heroes, small buff to nearby for special attack, and chihuahua minions for blue. The real draw for me is the cleanse. While I do have C.Sonya that can fill that role Glenda brings a lot more bite to an attack team. I can see her in a 3-2 stack with Frida, C.Magni, or Fenrir. Emblems currently blocked by Onatel and maybe Jean-François later.

Fenrir: He is a fun hero to use but can be a victim of poor timing for his charge move. The longer he lasts in a battle the more dangerous he becomes, unless the defense brings several healers. His survivability early on is a risk but his heal definitely helps when he can 1-shot weakened heroes. Kinda sucks when you misjudge whether a hero has less than half life. Emblems blocked my C.Magni for now, and maybe Fenrir later.

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I d put glenda in between magni c and frida for massive damage in a blue stack.
I think she is the best of the three.
Good luck with your choice

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I have Frida and Athena, all average heroes that may synergize well with Glenda.

Can somebody make a calculation here which skills are to be fired in a sequence in order to get the most damage:

Frida then Athena then Glenda? or

Glenda then Frida then Athena?

In my monoblue, Frida and Athena+7 are accompanied with Vela+12, Master Lepus and Ariel (the latter supported with a level 25 mana troop for me to potentially fire her skill early for cleansing or healing purposes).