Blind / miss calculation after summation for multiple heroes – Accuracy Debuff Affects All Heroes of Same Color

I didn’t record or screen cap it but I will going forward; incidently this explains some of the miss spam too with Wu so shouldn’t be that hard to reproduce.


x / blue / x / blue / x: Joon blinds one blue

3 blue tiles at target: hit / miss / hit

The second tile missed completely, which isn’t possible with one of the two blues unblinded unless the blind miss calculation is done after the summation rather than before.

This shouldn’t be correct, shouldn’t lose all damage from a color just because one is blinded and appears to be an order of operations issue. Namely, damage calc for each hero, summation, blind roll; which should be damage calc for each hero, blind roll for each hero, summation.

I get that this makes it less intensive to calculate but it isn’t correct from a game mechanics unless it’s a deliberate nerf to multiple heroes of a single color strategy… which would be lame, just sayin’ :).


I agree, but it’s not like it’s the only incorrect game mechanics. The little spirits of Thoth with Wu Kong active don’t get increased damage, but miss. (AFAIK)

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Recreated it on 20-4 with 5 blues on beta. One blinded can see the miss of the blue tiles


Should eradicate game mechanics issues where found: this one is just slightly a bigger deal than buffing 7 damage or whatever haha.

Very interesting.

Other issue is consecutive combo after a monster is already dead.
When in a 4 or 5 formation the monster in the front die from a tile attack, the tiles right after don’t hit the monster behind but instead “disappear” like they hitting the dead monster.


Well now… it takes a bit of time for the dead body to vanish. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it might not be a bug after all. The blind probably applies only to the troops of the blinded hero. If that blind was -30% accuracy, you have only 20% of the blue troops blinded 30% of the time.

I don’t understand your reasoning TBH.

5 heroes, 5 troops.

1 blinded, all 5 miss? That is a game mechanics bug in my estimation. Also the graphical troop representation is just that, as all of the tile strikes regardless of which one is shown will do the same amount of tile damage (assuming standard variance) as it’s a summation.

Should not be sum then blind; it should be blind then sum.

No, only one troop misses.

It’s sum, then for only one troop of the five it’s blind.

The graphical troop representation matters here (if I’m right). Only the troops of the blinded hero can miss.

And yes, when they miss they miss the damage from all heroes. But the misses from my example will not be 30%, but 6%.

That sounds awkward and lame but I guess SG will have to explain on this one. I’d always thought that the troops were just graphical silliness.

We should not be penalized for running duplicate colors with any game mechanic, nor should Joon be unreasonably powerful and therefore unbalanced: no other buff/debuff works like this to my knowledge other than blind of various types. Beats me how Justice and Hu Tao are calculated for that matter (single or multiple miss rolls for single tiles?) either but sounds even worse than it should be as well.

But you’re not penalized. Each tile damage could be more or less that if calculated the way you prefer, but the average will be the same (especially since you can’t choose which hero will be blinded). If you have 2 Blue heroes blinded out of 5 Blue heroes, then the chances for troops misses will be 12% (30% chance calculated for 2 random troops out of 5) . 18% for 3 heroes blinded and so on.

Since Justice and Hu Tao make all heroes blind, then no matter what kind of troops are selected for attack they’ll have the blind chance tested.

Heh, no, Math :slight_smile:

Say we have two hero’s damage: X and Y, and for stupid easy calculation X = Y.

Currently either you complete hit or complete miss, say for 2/3 tiles as shown

Hit / Miss / Hit = 2X + 0 + 2X = 4X

What I’m suggesting instead is if the blind is calculated pre-summation with one hero blinded as in the example, it would be:

2X + X + 2X = 5X

The second case being larger holds true holds true for any 0 < X < infinity so no, it’s the same :slight_smile:

If the blind chance is only calculated once for HT and Justice then I agree there’s no difference; however, there’s no guarantee that it’s not checking for blind multiple times for duplicate colors under the current implementation either. The code needs to be revisited in my opinion, clearly Joon isn’t working correctly, and the other blind heroes may or may not be working correctly based on any reasonable assertion of “should” and game mechanics.

I hate to annoy you too, but you didn’t seem to understand what I wrote. The mechanics could be correct and show exactly as in your screenshot. No hero is advantaged or disadvantaged.

The last thing I’m going to repeat is this: the tiles become troops and then only for the troops of blinded heroes the miss is computed. Since each troop belongs to one hero, the miss is computed at most once for each tile (troop). Which enemy blinded doesn’t matter at all.

I think we are discussing two different points and I’m sorry if I got confused though I thought I understood your idea of what the mechanic was: I didn’t say a hero was disadvantaged, I said you the player, or your team, is disadvantaged if you are carrying duplicate colors and one of them (hi Joon!) gets blinded from the AI’s getting lucky.

What I’m suggesting is that if it’s done by troop, then the game mechanic is not correct as it’s artificially losing damage of the unblinded duplicate hero(es) there and I tried to illustrate that in my example. You may be 100% right on the implementation, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good one.

If you have 2 heroes of the same color, one of them blinded, both doing the same tile damage X:

The average damage for a single tile you’d like to be
X + 0.7 * X

It’s a nice and simple formula. But it can also works like this:
(X + X) * (0.5 + 0.5 * 0.7)
First calculate the total damage from both, then with 0.5 probability you can have a troop of the un-blinded hero which will do the damage from both, or with 0.5 probability it can be a troop from the blinded hero which with a probability of 0.7 will still do the damage from both.

Those two expressions are equal.

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Now I understand my confusion and I do apologize.

That said, neither of us truly know what is going on with the algorithm, and while I would agree mathematically they are equivalent, I’m fairly confident (anecdotal evidence I’ll admit) it’s not being calculated like either of those two but it would take a large data set to be able to determine it and there’s really no way of acquiring it sanely.


I just posted a duplicate of this issue. Sorry about that, but thanks @Revelate for bringing this up. In my opinion it’s flawed. Maybe @kahree is right (although I don’t quite understand the calculation) but I’d like to get it confirmed by the devs.

Great discussion. Thank you, I now know more than I did.

Hi, the blind should be working as intended - when using multiple heroes of the same color, each troop will be blinded if the hero it’s equipped to is blinded.


The discussion popped up again in a Wu Kong related threat

Following the visual information all tiles inflict “the same” damage.
None of the three tiles is associated with Sonya.
So if one of the other heros is blinded and triggered I will loose Sonyas contribution aswell?

I know that @Petri suggested that everything SHOULD work as intended, but then I think the intention is wrong.

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