Black Friday Summon?

‘Not bad’? I really hope you mean as a sarcastic comment !

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Haha, i say ‘not bad’ because if i say ‘great’ or ‘fantastic’ then SG will nerf my summon odds for the next 2 years. Haha!!! :grinning:

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Hope you don’t think that’s normal. I got trap tools, 2x 3* blue trainers and a pair of 20 emblems.

I didn’t even get an ascension item. I got food crates and emblems. Extremely disappointing and as usual, I feel ripped off. Lousy, stupid RNG and a terrible Black Friday deal because all I wanted was some ascension items. Not yet another summoning portal and yet another deal for gems I don’t want or need.

Well, it’s still better than the other portals with chests at least - Here’s your compass, 5x Arrow attacks and 5 emblems of the class you need the least.

I’m sorry for you dude. The emblems I’d like, the crates, ugh. I hope you get something good from a regular chest soon.

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I’m just saying that don’t expect that 4* AMs are a guarantee.

Neither do I. I guess some people are just luckier than others. It just seems so weirdly skewed compared to other chests from different portals.

60 pulls…0 5 stars …so no, not the hottest portal ever

60 pulls complete garbage for me,

Sorry to hear that. I ended up doing 50 pulls. got 3 fives. Garjammal, Agrafena and Alasie.


Lion Roar did a 100 pull and got 3 x Balbars and Lord Loki, which I think for him was a dupe.

I decided to do a 10 pull over my lunch break, despite saying I wouldn’t do so earlier in this thread and got Penolite, 4 star Aodhan (don’t know if he’s good or not) the rest all dupe 3*s.

Chest was a Tonic, 30 emblems, 1 5 start aether and one 3 star aether. So all in all, pretty good.

RNG can be such a bissssssssshhhhhhhhh. My worst portal summons was Atlantis, no matter how many of the portals I did, I got squat for 5 stars except Atomos (and no matter what anyone says, he sucks worse than non-costume Kadilen). To this day, still no other Atlantis 5s but since we’re now on Season 4 and a whole new set of Challenge Events, can’t say I really care anymore.


Sounds like it worked out for you. Congrats.

@KingKurtice That’s unfortunate, but the odds never changed for 5*. It’s just that S1 heroes are taken out of the pool. For those who mainly have S1 heroes, this was a good portal to just get something different, even if they are 3 or 4 stars.

Here’s mine.


And mine


Having foolishly blew 600 gems on troop summons, still chasing the 4* yellow troop the game has yet to cough up a single one of since I installed it June 2019, I paid for enough gems to hit the Black Friday summon 2 times - only because there was no possibility of getting stuck with yet another Dawa, Prisca or other 3* or lower first season hero. (What is it with those two being so common 3* summons or obtained other ways? I’ve gotten Prisca in at least three costume summons.)

I got a 4* Gafar and a 3* Vodnik. 'Course the majority of the times I’ve built up gems to do summons I’ve received just common, lower level heroes. Almost all the best ones I’ve picked up in costume summons.

The only way I’m ever spending $ on this game again is if there’s a 100% guarantee to get a 4* yellow troop, for example if one pops up in a goblin balloon chest. Almost 2-1/2 years is dragging things out a bit much on handing out at least one 4* of every troop color.


Oh my friend I’m so sorry for your bad luck. I hope the tides turn in your favor and bless you with all that you are deserving :two_hearts:

…and this is how i switched a completely FTP!!!
Ok, i’m a dumb, i knew it would had been a disaster, but i tried to thinking positive and since as a c2p in 3 years and 11 months of duty i struggled just even to complete the S1 roster ( got Vivica three weeks ago from the academy as 42th retraining…and count “0”, “ZERO” 5* from S3, S4 (with over 600pulls them both), Ninjas, and every events Atlantis apart ( Mitsy and Ariel ) and a couples of HotM of which i never picked the September, October, November, January and May ones since January 2018,…and having an urgent need to refresh my S1 main team just to survive, i decided that this was my portal!! So all-in on it!!! :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::point_down:

Sesh is a dupe ofc, …she’s one of the few HotM that i get, surely the best one i have!! I saw that i’m in good company in VERY BAD LUCK terms!! :sweat_smile:
However that’s really unfair!! Thanks a lot Zynga :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:to opened up my eyes!!! You’ll never see a single cent out of my pocket!! I don’t unistal only for my teammates in the ally!! It’s sadist paying to be bullied!!
At least I will rule the 3* tournaments…:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::see_no_evil:
I forgot this one👇


I can totally relate to what you’re saying. I did quite a few summons myself and got nothing worth mentioning either.

Someone will say that we should know the odds were terrible, it’s our fault for spending, etc. They’re not wrong.

But honestly, why do we have to put up with this? I spent because I like the game. I like alliance wars. I like getting new heroes and learning to incorporate them into my teams. Is it smart for the game to treat the player base like this?

I’m sure they made a ton of money with this portal. Maybe they’ll break a record with their revenue.

But the frustration many people feel doesn’t show in their financials and I suspect it will hurt them in the long run.

I’ve been playing for 3 years and this is the first time I genuinely considered quitting.


No offense mate but looking at the odds you did 60 pulls so you should net 1,5 of 5* heroes (2,5% chance) and you got 1 (even for being a dupe a great one). Its not that bad. Or do you mean 4* also heroes?

The odds are and have always been really bad. Its a super expensive game without anything guaranteed. I’ve switched to No pay 1,5y ago and never looked back. Its much better in my opinion. Just play with what you get and have. I even managed to get cAriel with a single summon from last Atlantis which was awesome.