Bi color Heroes

like the idea of bicolor heroes…type fire and ice / holy and dark…

tiles could be half on damage from one color.

it could add a serious fat dimension in the game…!

but pretty scary to balance…!

Or one who can turn any match-3’s into damage for 4-6 turns…

… and still gain mana regardless of color damage… damn that’d be a beast! lol

But which bathroom can they use?
I like the idea more as a boss fight first whereas 2 friendly color such as green and yellow where they have 2 weak and w strong colors or reflect 2 colors is more balanced.

After which u can make a paired down hero with 2 different specials that charge based on the color you charge it with…
It will be a beast to balance though and the stats will likely have to be slightly nerfed like a 5* w 4* stats.

it’s could be very interesting, these heroes could be as dangerous as they could be shaky…