Better chat functionalities, please

Okay, searched the forum, didn’t really found anything about any plans to improve chat…
Lots of things got improvement, but chat is how it’s, IDK is it from the beginning, but at least since I’ve started…
Now, that really wouldn’t be a problem if you can get all alliance members to use whatever messaging app, but for an unknown reason, some of them just don’t want too, regardless that we’ve tons of goodies and guides and whatever in our group, in this case, LINE, but whatever…
I know that some alliances even have a requirement that all members must use whatever messaging app… But we don’t want to be that strict…
And, seriously, the chat is good during the war, Featured Message is a great addition (okay, there’s an improvement, I was wrong :wink:)… But constantly teaching new members, using chat is now really overwhelming… Plus no pics, hyperlinks, etc…
Regarding global chat, just leave it how it’s, I’m not reading that one at all, I don’t know who really does… It’s an impossible thing to do :sweat_smile:
But at least add basic functionalities, like support for pics, hyperlinks, pined posts, increase the size of post and number of posts…
That’d be just awesome… Some members are just too stubborn, and we really don’t want to lose them, by forcing whatever messaging app…
Not sure are there really any plans for that… I know, it’d cost you more, just by storing all that info… But, if this’s the only reason, storage is very cheap nowadays…
If you do it just a bit better, every member from my alliance is gonna buy you chocolate :blush:
Thanks for reading, it’s maybe not the best idea, but could be a lifesaver for new players and especially for long-time members trying to teach them :doughnut:

I’ll give you a vote for this. :wink:

I don’t use Line or social media or any of those other apps, and I can understand why many players wouldn’t want to either. My current alliance is friends & family so we don’t have any issues with being able to communicate, but communication was a major issue in my first alliance. We tried to insist that every member read chat, but… well you probably know how that goes. Some just want to be left alone, some get tired of reading through a bunch of silly in-game banter between other members, some don’t speak English as their first language, etc.

I tried to help members via alliance chat when I was leader / co-leader in my previous alliance, and we had other co-leaders who would regularly post copypasta banners for new members, but we never knew if anyone was reading anything or understood what we were telling them, especially if they never responded. Or maybe you would recruit a new member and tell them the expectations, and they would just reply with “ok”, then go 3 days without hitting a single titan. :thinking: ???

Being able to post links, screenshots, private messaging, friend lists, pretty much anything that helps alliance members communicate with each other in-game would be a welcome addition for most alliances, I think.

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