Best Yellow Hero EVER?!

Guinevere all the way will suck your opponents mana dry and while they are dieing from your other heroes specials your inner heroes keep gettin health from guinevere

White Rabbit 100%

One of my favorite heroes in game easily. Balanced stats and one of the best def down in game since it can’t be dispelled and resets if the target heals. I love applying that def down to Telly. Going sword path on talent grid brought him over 800 on attack so his special hits 3 hard as well! Jackal is awesome as well but WR edges out Jackal due to being more durable, having a better def down, and the fact that WR hits 3 for higher damage than Jackal who hits only one. WR and Jackal together are wicked though.

No mention of Gullinbursti?

Seems that he and Lady Woolerton are the only 4* Yellow healers now. I recently finished him and am using him in Avalon Epic. I’m finishing all the levels with the full Health Bonus!

So curious to see how he will do in raids. Any thoughts on how he compares to Vivica? She’s my only 5* yellow healer.

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I can agree that he is an amazing hero (don’t know why Anchor gave him only A, A, B). Mine is at 10 talents only and I noticed a significant damage increrase (also attack path).

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Fair enough, we all have our favorites and WR is one of mine if not my #1. My top hero tends to fluctuate but WR is definitely in top 3 pretty consistently for me :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a pretty solid yellow stack with WR, Jackal +19, Joon, Vivi and Malosi. And I agree that he is a superb champion in such a composition because any champ dies vs combo: Jackal, WR, Joon. Elemental def down and normal def down is a hands down combo but I believe that 1st place belongs to Drake. His ability to blind 3 and hit strong enough is great for offence and defence.

I would say Drake is top 1 and WR would be top 2 in my opinion even before 3rd place c. Joon.

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That’s a killer stack. I use both WR and Jackal on titans and am lucky enough to pair them with Gazelle as well so my roster loves a purple titan.

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Also great combination. I would love to pull Gazelle. Yesterday I had my first 100k+ on a purple 10* titan. Before that, my badluck of scoring 90k+ was enormous.

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Grats @szparo! Great hit, hope you get Gazelle sometime so you can go even higher.

I am getting ready to ascend Drake Fong to final ascension so once he is maxed I will run Gazelle-Jackal-WR-DF-Delilah(or Viv) for purple titans.

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Would have thought Viv instead of Delilah, those minions slow you down on Titans

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Excellent point. Currently use Delilah for her higher tile damage as a trade off to minion slowdown but I can see benefits of Viv in her stead. Plus Viv has the cleanse.

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Among 3* and 4*, I would add Pixie and Gretel to the list. Mana control is very powerful. Ok, they are slower than Hansel, but still potent. Melia and Jackal have already been mentioned. would add Kvasir too.

Lady Woolerton is a solid healer, great survivability, and the Cleric talent can nullify the bad part of her special.

Among the “vanillas”,

Wu Kong for Titans;

Li Xiu with costume is quite solid on defense. On offense, not spectacular, but she synergizes well with my other Yellows (Joon, Inari…) Chao is decent, but now I prefer Li Xiu because of her costume (making her almost as fast as Chao and hitting multiple targets).

Joon is amazing on offense and can work on defense (I have his costume and keep him in wing).

Leonidas is solid, and I would also ascend Vivica if I had her for the defense boost and cleanse.

There aren’t many vanilla 3s, but IMO Bane, Kailani and Gan Ju are all worth leveling depending on what others 3s one has. Especially Bane.

Great list Sleepyhead

Only one I disagree with a little is Gan Ju. He doesn’t quite hit hard enough for events, and his mana cut isn’t a good enough trade off for that. Mine never gets used - preference always to my second Bane

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yeah, I agree, Gan Ju can work if one’s Yellow bench is shallow - but once better heroes like a 2nd Bane show up… I also prefer using 2 Banes to one Bane and one Gan Ju :slight_smile:

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Gullinbursti is one of my favs.

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Holy Schnickies! Did we completely rule out the great and powerful RANVIR??? Dude is white hot on just about every Titan attack, especially early on when titan health is high.

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Ranvir is only really useful against titans, and even there he loses to Miki. Those who don’t have Miki will profit from him, as he is a straight upgrade to Wu Kong, but otherwise he’s not worth the hassle. I have him and upgraded him before getting Miki and still regret it, his sole purpose is warming the bench and getting used for war on occasion. Miki won’t cause you to miss and for higher rated titans stunning them is important, which Ranvir screws up most of the time when one of three tiles needed to stun misses.

Also, globally there are much more versatile yellow heroes than Ranvir such as Drake Fong, Sif (she is also very useful on Titans, as she makes Jackal live longer), Costume Vivica, Joon, said Guardian Jackal, Mist, the list goes on …