Best way to train heroes

Here is table of all TC available, we can compare choose best option for our conditions.

TC Recruits Foods Mats Time Result Best Notes Ham/Recruit
1 5 1,600 sword 10m *1 320
2 5 2,000 kits 30m *1, *2 400
3 5 5,000 sword 2m *1 1,000
4 4 1,500 - 3h *1, *2 mini TC11 375
5 5 8,500 sword,kit 1h *1, *2 RED 1,700
6 5 8,500 sword,kit 1h *1, *2 BLUE 1,700
7 5 8,500 sword,kit 1h *1, *2 GREEN 1,700
8 5 8,500 sword,kit 1h *1, *2 PURPLE 1,700
9 5 8,500 sword,kit 1h *1, *2 YELLOW 1,700
10 25 105,000 cloth,manual 1d *2, *3 4,200
11 2 1000 - 2h *1, *2 stock recruits 500
12 45 164,000 cloth,manual 2d *3 3,644
13 70 265,000 armour,wooden shield 2d *3, *4 mini TC20 3,786
14 25 105,000 manual 1d *2, *3 RED 4,200
15 25 105,000 cloth 1d *2, *3 BLUE 4,200
16 25 105,000 manual 1d *2, *3 GREEN 4,200
17 25 105,000 cloth 1d *2, *3 PURPLE 4,200
18 25 105,000 manual 1d *2, *3 YELLOW 4,200
19 2 5,500 cloth 1m *1 2,750
20 100 297,000 stone 2d *3, *4, *5 stock food 2,970

Common/Uncommon specific coloured “food” (TC5-TC9 and TC14-18) require more ham.

I’m in the same postion like this now :grinning: