Best defence team without healers

I wonder what will be the best defence team for me in the bloody tournaments

If i put my strongest team the system will give me tougher enemy’s and i will not survive without gems

Also i wonder between weak boril or another Frida double the blues in the defence or take hansel to the defence ride

Also maybe khagan is better than boldtusk in this situation

Or maybe some other idea…

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Justice is your best tank (BT is better but he is useless in this tournament)
I’m almost sure Khagan’s stats look better than Kelile.
Normally Hansel is meh in def team but you need another fast hero.


Elkhanan? With no healing he is no use…you right…

Maybe another blue for
perfect Riposte? Or frida instead?

Your Frida and Boril have similar survivality. I was thinking about riposte hero but dispellers are too common.


IMO better replace Khagan, he is still deep, average Frida have better chance for shot + she work good Magni.

Click this padlock over card, after click it this hero is “favourite”. You can’t eat favourites heroes, its really helpfull :relaxed:

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