Best defence and attack team

Which team would u choose as defense and attack if u had the following roster

Well, if it is your goal to become a professional, you should read the corresponding threads and make your own decisions. It does not make you better if someone else is making them.


There are no perfect teams, only teams with great hero synergy.

Assault teams: depends on your playstyle. 3-2, 4-1, mono… I would bring 1 healer, 4 damage dealers… maybe swap one of the damage dealers for a support hero like Wu Kong.

Defense: 2 snipers, 1 AOE, 1 tank, 1 healer… is a pretty common setup.

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I would note for D it will lose no matter what. You’re not making an unbeatable team, you’re simply making a team that’ll keep you in the raid tier you want/are currently capable of.

As @Evilyn pointed out, there are a ton of attack style variations that can change based on hero combos in each color that are on your roster. Perhaps you mono reds but can only 3-2 effectively with blues.

Aside from tutorial articles, which there are some well written ones, the best tip is trial and error. Worst thing that happens is you lose a raid, but who cares. You will lose even with a great team and bad tiles some times too.

Good luck out there!

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