Best defance team

Im wondering whats the best possible defence team for raids and tournaments (5* rainbow)
Lets assume there all fully leveled.

This is what im working with

My current raid defence

Would you change it? Change formation? What would be the most annoying team to go against?

You’re not doing any favors to Ludwig by keeping him in the back. He takes a long time to charge even when directly exposed to tile hits. Using Ludwig’s full potential needs a classic V shape formation with him as tank. Other than this, your main defense problem, as I see it, is that you don’t have a reliable and constant blue defender. While being great heroes overall, your blues are a liability when run by the defense AI. You never know what you’ll get the next time they use their specials. On top of that, there are many reflect blue heroes, that’s why blue hitters are best kept out of a defense line. Except for the crocodile, who bypasses everything, of course…


I use Hippo on defence :man_shrugging:

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You whaaaaat?

Yeah, Hippo ain’t exactly a hitter. His damage comes from a buff, not from hitting the enemy, nothing to reflect there…

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Im not sure how the hippo is relevant to my situation🤔

You don’t need two healers on defense (yes, Milena can do damage but you can also get cases where she only heals).

I’d add Elizabeth on the right flank to overwhelm the opponent with fiends. Then I’d put Devana or Grace on the right wing.