I’ve recently power leveled some 4* heroes, and now I’m questioning what my best defense team set up would be, and who I could power level next to improve my overall game (Titans, Wars, Events)
My current defense team from L to R is:
Melendor (9 talents)
Rigard (7 talents)
Boldtusk (4 talents)
Li Xiu (1 talent)
Grimm (10 talents)
My concern is the lack of hard hitters…I prioritized healers in the beginning of the game to give me war flexibility/increased versatility, and now I think I’ll need to move towards leveling more snipers/AOE hitters…or should I?
My other 4 stars are:
Proteus (1 talent), Cheshire Cat (3/60), Tiburtus (3/60), Cyprian (1/1), Sabina (1/1), Ameonna (1/1)
I also have 2 other Proteus (Proteii?), and a backup Rigard…all at 1/1.
Wu Kong (1 talent), Gretel (3/60), G. Jackal (3/36 - currently plan to max to 4/70 and place emblems on him), Hu Tao (1/1), Chao (1/1), Danzaburo (1/1) and Leonidas (1/1). I have the mats to fully ascend Leonidas, but prioritized G. Jackal.
Kiril (4/1 - plan to max), Agwe (4/1 - accidentally ascended him when I wanted to ascend Triton…smh), Athena (3/42 - plan to max once I get my last scope), Triton (3/60), Richard (1/1)
I also have 2 other Grimms.
Hansel (4/29 - plan to max), Gadeirus (3/60), Caedmon (3/60), Horghall (1/1), Skittleskull (1/1)
I also have 2 other Melendors and 2 other Caedmons.
Wilbur (1 talent), Gravemaker (3/36 - plan to max once I get my last set of rings and 2 more Hidden Blades), Scarlett (3/60), Red Hood (1/1), Ares (1/1), Kelile (3/60), Sumitomo (1/1), G. Falcon (1/1).
I also have 3 more Wilburs.
So guys…what’s my best defense team makeup currently, and what should I push for? I have the mats to ascend a green, purple and yellow 4*, and am planning on maxing Athena and Gravemaker to ultimately make it to my defense team.
Thanks for the advice.