I have the materials to ascend 1 5* green to max. Currently I have Lianna at around 3/30, Elkananen, Morgan Le Fay and Horghall all unleveled, and a handful of epic tokens hoarded for next month hoping for Gregorion.
I don’t really need Horghall as a tank right now. I have Delilah, Justice, and Azlar.
Should I go ahead and max Lianna, or wait to see if I get Greg?
If you get Gregorian you will want him for your titan teams & events.
Said so, IMHO Lianna will be better for raids (defense & attack).
Bring her to 3.70 and ponder your decision but… the most important thing is to get Gregorian first
I will probably have her to 3/70 in a couple weeks.
Fingers crossed for Greg!!
Lianna is hands down the best regular 4* green. Gregorian might be a bit better, but I think he’s overrated by most of the community. I’d just plan on leveling Lianna, if you pull Greg he’ll be a nice 2nd green.
Agreed; ascending Lianna is a “no regrets” decision. Whether she’s better than Gregorion remains to be seen, but there is a delightful simplicity of design. No buffs or debuffs that could be dispelled, just a single, clean, powerful shot.
I like using her even halfway through 3rd ascension.
If you think about it, a Lianna will reach her absolute full potential at 4/80 while a Gregorian’s special can still be used for the crit boost as long as it becomes 8/8. So a Lianna at 3/70 is less useful than a 3/70 Gregorian. Having said all that, I will revisit this response once I see the final release of Greg.
He seems unchanged, all up to you now hahaha
I guess you can save the remaining tokens now for Bruce Lee’s grandson.
That’s the plan…
I didn’t. I’d rather have Rana or Yunan over Drake Lee. At least as we saw him last in beta, Drake isn’t attracting any spending from me.
I got Rana. No Yunan yet
Personally I prefer Albreich… when you are down heros in a raid and he brings them back… you feel invincible!