Best 3 Star Mono Team

I’m trying to limit my 3 star mono teams to 5 per colour. These are what I have, any suggestions on what to use as feeders for blue & green? And which heroes should I focus on levelling up first?

Purple: Balthazar x2, Gill-Ra, Oberon
Yellow: Bane x3 [1 maxed], Melia [maxed], Gan Ju, Kailani
Blue: Greymane x2 (with costume) [1 maxed], Ulmer x2 (with costume), gunnar x2, karil
Green: Belith, Carver, Friar Tuck, Brienne (with costume), Isshtak x2
Red: Hawkmoon [maxed], Namahage x2 [1 maxed], Nashgar [maxed]

I’ve read a lot of forums on best 3* heroes, but I’m missing quite a few of the recommended ones like Valen, Tyrum, Mnesseus, Gato etc, so not sure what to pick from the ones I have! Would appreciate any advice thanks! :slight_smile:

Don’t be silly. Keep one of each 3* you ever come across. They will be uselful one way or another.

If hero spots are your problem, buy more with gems.

Cool, thanks for that. I guess i limit cos it makes the roster ‘messy’ lol. I’m f2p so spending gems always comes with a slight wince, even if they’re worth it. Which would you recommend to level up first then for the greens & blues?

For levelling your 3* I would focus on:
Green = Costume Brienne
Blue = Gunner and fingers crossed you get his costume
Whichever hero you choose good luck