šŸ° Bertulf ā€“ 3* Holy / Yellow from Clash of Knights

Is Bertulf better than wu kong? Similar? I got him today, hes my first specialist (i mean an attack booster who can stack with others)

Depends what level of titans you hit. Wu with emblems & lb/ costume bonus has much more survivability than him.

Overall, on tile damage alone Wu is the same or a bit better than Bertulf, his really high attack gain compensating for the missing style. The major problem with Wu is however that also some of your specials will miss (like defense down) when you try to apply them on the titan and you donā€™t have the time to play around with the board there.

Thank you. Sometimes, when im doing advanced levels in events or Atlantis/Valhalla, i feel my team excels on survavility due to Grevle and BT/Rigard but it lacks firepower or tilepower. I feel like Bertulf will empower it. I will level him asap because hes just a 3 star and put some emblems on him to make him tankier.

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I have Miki 2x and Tarlak. Iā€™d still use this guy in the latter stages of Mythic Titan.


Heā€™s very useful against Titans, I just used him instead the monkey on 10* titan, and I liked a lot


Have you realized that he has no eyes?!

Fixed it! :sweat_smile:


Iā€™ve been using Bertulf for a bit now and think heā€™s awesome. Iā€™ve LB him, and emblemed him too. I hated Wu Kongā€™s miss, so Bertulf is a godsend. Iā€™ve written a full review for him, here. Thanks!


Few people on here saying Bertulf is good for titans. What level titans have u taken him on at? I just went up against a 9* purple and it killed Bertulf first attack

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I take him with me on 10*-11* Titans. With 20 emblems and LB he can survive 1-2 hits. Itā€˜s good if you have a attack down / def up hero or maybe Sif in your team. It works pretty well for me.

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If Limit Broke and emblemed his survivability stats are better then maxed (unemblemed Wu). I take Wu on 9* titans all the time and rarely lose him. CKiril plays a role in that along with multiple healers.

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Took him on 10* & 11* titans. I have him emblemed defense path, and limit broken. He can handle a couple of hits.

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It took me awhile to get him leveled up. I donā€™t have enough emblems to fully complete him, but is Limit Break worthwhile for him?
Our alliance usually fights 8-9-10* titans and we do often get purple ones.

Iā€™m only a little afraid that he wonā€™t survive a titan hit before he gets charged. My healers are LB full in emblems Kiril and Boldtusk. Would that save him?

Do you use Wu for your purple titans? Is he emblemed? I use un emblemed Wu 7-9* titans and he survives ok. LB and emblemed Bertulf actually has better survival stats (health and defense) than Wu does.

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Because I have a shortage in monk-emblems my Wu is not yet full in the talent grid. He is kinda stuck on level 7.
But I do have his costume only then he just hits, no dice rolling for the others.
I usually use Wu against all titans, because up untill now I had no other attack booster then him.

People in my alliance say to keep all limit stuff for only 5*ā€¦ but so far I donā€™t have any yellow 5*.
Bertulf just needs 5 little limitbreaker balls and those I can always get back when there is another yellow limit break quest.

With Wu being low on emblems, I think you should see similar survivability out of Bertulf if you LB and emblem him. I wouldnā€™t LB if not doing emblems.

on the Topic of LB, I think that only using for 5* is limiting yourself. I have a maxed CKiril that is at 834 power right now. If you donā€™t have a deep roster, LB/Emblem 4* essentially gives you ā€œ5*ā€ heroes. I will also LB CRigard and CSabina here soon.


Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

I will stack Bertulf and also Wu with full emblems once I have enough of them.
Gonna do the LB on Bertulf as well :).

Nice stat on Kiril. I just miss his costume, but with LB he is now at 796. Hopefully I will get his costume someday to maximise him completely.

Now where is the monastery? Need some monk emblems :wink:

Just finished getting Bertulf to +20 and he ROCKS! Focused on Health/Def to keep him alive longer. Fire that special before triggering a crystal tile and watch the other team get wrecked.

I havenā€™t had a team yet he hasnā€™t been useful on and Iā€™ve start taking on teams with 2-300 more power than mine and as long as I can get him some mana, any color is gonna benefit from it. Plus, his attack bonus stacks with others.

I actually put Wu Kong on the bench after maxing this dude out. (Wu was still a baby, but stillā€¦. His accuracy drop drives me bananas.


Question about Bertulfā€¦ He boosts normal attack and NOT Special, so i know this would apply to tile damage, obviously, but I would imagine this also applies to the normal attack on a defense team, correct?

Iā€™ve heard of people recommending he NOT go on a defense team, but why not put that guy in the left wing or left flank and let him mop the floor. I havenā€™t tried him on defense yet. Anybody try that?

Owzat, Iā€™m taking him regularly to a 14* titan and first time, set him off with mana pots. He usually survives a second blast, but thatā€™s it. Time stops help of courseā€¦also heā€™s +20 and LB.

In addition to my question about using him on defense (I friggin hate going up against wu kong. His -30% accuracy sure seems more -5% with those slash attacks that just melt my team). Wondering if Bertult wouldnā€™t have a similar effect.

Also, does his attack buff (or any attack buff) benefit minions? I heard Meliaā€™s crit boost will benefit minions, will attack help them as well?