Battle losses & disconnection problems

We have had at least three alliance members have “wins” in the war disappear and appear as zeros. It seems that if the internet connection fluctuates at all the battles are a loss. One member says that this happens to him every war. Is there anything we can do?

Just happened to me as well as another alliance member. I had not won yet, but it was looking good and no matter what I would have some points for my team. Now no flag and cant use the hero’s again. Not sure if anything can be done about this, but dang it’s frustrating sometimes.

Have either of you sent a support ticket? Might pay to, also get any other member s too as well. Make sure to include the date/time/time zone as well :slightly_smiling_face:

I have had a few players with issues as well. Taking out at least 1 hero on the other team and get a 0.

I took out an apposing team and the game froze and did not post my points. I had to force the game shut and received my flag back but my team was eliminated as used. So I could not repeat my battle.

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For new issues, please see: 📵 Disconnected During War Attack /Titan /Network Connection Problem Caused Lost Attack, Flag, and Heroes in AW / Scored 0 Points on War Hit Due to Dropped Server Connection / Game Crashed and I lost my War Hit [MASTER]